What Laptop

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
My 6 year old Dell (D610) is so slow I am looking at getting new laptop I have a pc that is also slow & old, which I only use to burn discs.

My new laptop wants
HDMI out
Blue Tooth
Numeric Keypad
Plus all the usual bits & pieces.
I went on the Dell chat help & was adviced Dell Q15R @£429.

I always take a long time before I buy anything & I enjoy the web browsing to find what I am after.
Anyone got any ideas recomendations on what I should/shouldnt look for.
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First question is what do you want to use the computer for? For internet browsing, email, and using ms office pretty much anything will do. If you want to do video editing or play state of the art games then you need something better. If you want to store serious numbers of images or music then you need a big harddrive (plus an external one for back up).

Second question is how much a year do you think you ought to be spending on replacing computers? Then multiply by three or four to get an idea of how much to spend - you are not making a lifetime investment when buying a computer, instead anything you buy will be old hat in 3-4 years.

Third question how many different places do you want to use it? If you like the idea of using it in lots of places (sofa, kitchen, away from home) then weight, battery life and size of the transformer are all worth looking at, and maybe more important than more techy stuff like how fast the processor is.
I am already using the new one.
Bought a Dell Inspiron i3.
Had it for 2 days, speed is brilliant, its got hdmi out, tried that nice & easy also bluetooth already used that.
So fingers crossed although Im still personalising it, I am pleased with it.
Dont tell Dell. :p
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