Reformat laptop

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a slow Dell pentium M.
Runs xp & office 2007 pro. All very slow as it has had lots of other crap added.
My new laptop Win 7 Office 2007 pro has everything on it from my old one laptop.
I have the office 2007 disc.
I do have an xp disc but not the serial number.
I have used Belarc to try and obtain the serial number.
I cant see the xp seriel number.
Anyone know where it is or how to find it
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I have just done a r/click on my computer & seen
Is this all I require, if so what do I need to do for a clean install. thanks
Igorian, ta for that link, have downloaded it & find the CD Key.
can you give me a link as to what to do.
Do I need to reformat or can I just delete all files?
Im only trying to do this as it takes so long to boot up, when its up its ok.
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Just boot from the XP CD and proceed with the install. Along the way, you will be able to delete the partitions so you have an empty drive. Just read the instruction screens carefully. Then follow the prompts to install XP.

I'm assuming there is no recovery partition on the drive since you are using a CD. You will almost certainly need drivers, so go to the Vendors website to see that you can get them.

I'm also assuming you have backed up all you need from the laptop as you will effectively remove everything.
I have backed up all my data, drivers will only be for the printer (I guess).
So if I install xp on top of everything should this then make booting up faster?
It might, but I wouldn't install it over the top. Part of the installation will ask where you want to install it and you will see some drives are already allocated. You can delete the partitions at this stage so you have an empty drive to install a fresh copy on.

Drivers could be for anything Windows doesn't know about (Graphic card, audio, network etc).