
  1. A

    Fixing a tv to the wall

    Hi everyone. I am trying to fit a tv to the wall and would very much appreciate some help. Upon getting a tv bracket and drilling into what i thought was a solid wall diving our living room and bedroom, the wall isnt a solid wall after all. I have 60mm of some material that is soft, plasteboard...
  2. B

    Need to increase room size of 0.2 m2, per HMO regulations

    I have a house that I have been renting out to sharer's. One of the rooms is 6.32 m2. Too small to be rented out by 0.2m2. I was hoping that replacing the plasterboard with a thinner plasterboard might do the trick, but honestly, there is still not much space. It was already optimally used. Can...
  3. marty3

    Use expanding foam to close cavity round window

    I am replacing plasterboard round a UPVC window. I have already added expanding foam round the window frame to close up any gaps. But I also want to close up the cavity round the window, am I safe to use a small amount of expanding foam for this?
  4. cwhaley

    Alternatives to Dot and Dab

    Hi all, won't be long before I'm plasterboarding my new extension. I was just looking for a few suggestions on the best alternatives to 'dot n dab'. The boards will be going on new blockwork (typical block/insulation/external brickwork). I don't want to use dot n dab. I know its tried and...
  5. Fishwalker

    Can you dot and dab plasterboard onto lath and stud walls

  6. Fishwalker

    Hallway plasterboard job walls not level

  7. D

    Replacing plasterboard and boarding to existing skim coat and joints

    Hey Everyone, So I have skimmed plasterboard before and can do that pretty well. But I had a partition put up and that was boarded and skimmed. I have had to rip a section out this weekend as I wanted to lay some pipework into the wall. As you can see from the attached picture I just ripped...
  8. S

    Plasterboard or tile backer board - experts needed??

    Evening, I am stripping and recreating my bathroom as my disabled daughter needs a walk-in-shower with supports, rather than just the over-the-bath shower we have at the moment. The bathroom is VERY small, so space is everything. I have stripped back all the tiles, plaster and render back to...
  9. R

    How to fill large gaps at bottom of plasterboard wall

    So I just had a new chipboard floor glued and screwed in after adding noggins and levelling the joists. There are gaps between the edge of the chipboard and the blockwork, up to 15mm. There is a gap between the dot and dab wall and the new floor of up to 40mm high amd 30mm deep and also the void...
  10. J

    Plasterboard ceiling with multifinish and mdf stair opening. can I joint them?

    I have to sort out a detail which seem very tricky. I have ceiling with multifinish which stops at the stair opening and then I have the stair opening itslef which need to be wrapped up with MDF to have a strong edge whcih carry over to the above flooring. I would like to have a seamless on...
  11. R

    Levelling across interior wall, am I missing anything?

    Hi all, I just wanted to check with people more experienced than I that I've not missed anything major with this job of levelling out this wall. Myself and my partner are due to complete on this house soon and in the master bedroom, there is a jut where built-in wardrobes used to be...
  12. Fishwalker

    How can we insulate this external facing solid brick hall to landing stair wall?

    So we've had the hall and landing taken back to brick as the original lime plaster had blown and cracked badly in corners or was hole sounding and was coated with a Chrysotile artex skim that was damaged in places. We had a professional asbestos company do this work a few days ago, who fully...
  13. Rob Farley

    Shower Enclosure gone rotten

    Hi, apologies if this is the wrong section. I'm in a bit of a pickle, our shower has started leaking, a lot, and it looks like there had been a small leak for a while that soaked through the grout (or round it) and destroyed the plasterboard behind it, this in turn allowed movement which made...
  14. P

    Is this a water vapor/condensation risk? Dwarf wall void in loft.

    Hi, I have been slowly upgrading a converted loft in my victorian semi. A couple of years ago I replaced the insulation in the rafters with PIR board. 100mm in between the rafters, 25mm underneath the rafter. 50mm gap between insulation in the rafters and batten for ventilation. At the...
  15. S

    Mounting a heavy light

    Hi, I'm looking to install a heavy (about 4kg) light to replace some old ones in our living room. The original one was just mounted on the plasterboard. I'm not confident that this will support the light, so want to mount it into the beam above the plasterboard ceiling. This is however 85mm...
  16. M

    Using Damp proof membrane as vapour barrier

    Have a good amount of damp proof membrane left which my builder previously used when laying down concrete. Really heavy duty stuff this: I'm fixing insulated plasterboards with built in vapour...
  17. A

    Staircase skirting edge to plasterboard

    Hi folks, Bear with me as I try to describe this as best as I can, pictures paint a thousand words though so please see those too! In a relatively new build (5yrs old, housebuilder was junk, lots of issues) and it's time to tackle the gaps appearing between the wooden 'large' skirting that...
  18. StephenStephen

    Stud wall plasterboard screw spacing?

    I do seem to like making life hard for myself! What screw spacing do I need for this sheet of plasterboard: - In general? - Around the cutouts? I know I'll put thousands in if I don't ask advice first! Many thanks, Stephen
  19. C

    Repair Artex ceiling leak and plasterboard join cracks

    Hi, Front bedroom Artex ceiling is damaged from past leak, couple of bits where it sticks downwards and there is a crack from wall to wall, possible to repair? Or job for a plasterer? Other rooms have cracks wall to wall which I assume are between the plasterboard sheets.. is there an easy...
  20. M

    Wall cracks in 7 year old barn conversion

    Hi all, I hope you are well. Just looking for anyone's opinion on these cracks. Both cracks have been here since we moved in and after filling they have recently began to open again 18 months on. The first crack is against the join in the wall and runs vertical up the wall between the join. It...