
  1. A

    Dry wall broken round window, best way to fix?

    Hi All I have a quick question and I would like to hear your thoughts! Is there a good way to fix this issue / patch it up, rather than removing the drywall and replacing? The previous owners tried to fit a net curtain. Unfortunately the top part of the plasterboard failed. The top corner...
  2. H

    Green Glue Soundproofing

    Hi I was wondering if anyone has used green glue for soundproofing. Has it been successful. I am asking as I have only a limited space 50mm (as door in way) to attach plaster board or soundboard to a brick party wall. The noise is not excessive but I am moving my tv onto that wall and my dog has...
  3. O

    Plasterboard and jaunty angles

    Sounds cryptic I know- old non-square house and I may have given myself a bit of a challenge with an angled bit of ceiling between wall (more or less vertical) and main ceiling (more or less horizontal). With various features in the wall to get round (couple of buttresses). Anyway, result is a...
  4. T

    using Gyplyner Universal, where do I place frame?

    Hi all, I have two sections of party wall which I am going to use Gyplyner universal to acoustically insulate. The two sections of wall are seperated by a chimney breast leaving 145cm width wall either side. With this in mind, I'm struggling to work out where I place the GL8 track and the GL1...
  5. TedTrippin

    How flat/level should plasterboard be?

    Hi, My builders have finished plasterboarding our extension. The worst wall, the plasterboard is flat on the top half but then bows in towards the bottom. When I put a spirit level on the wall the bottom is about 9-10 mm in. I told the builder I wasn't happy and didn't expect such a huge...
  6. N

    Help Choosing Plasteboard Fixings and Screws for Hanging Curtain Wire Fittings

    Hi, I want to secure some of these curtain wire fittings to the plasterboard ceiling above my windows so I can hang some curtains from them. The curtains weigh around 2kg in total which is well below the limit for those fittings (I'm also using extra supports across the stretch). The...
  7. G

    How long should I leave wet plasterboard before patching?

    Hi, Had a plumbing incident last week - upstairs bathroom heating pipe burst and flooded through to dining room below. Result is a nasty hole cut into the dining room ceiling (plasterboard) by the plumber who came to fix it. My plan is to trim back round the hole and fit a new sheet of...
  8. C

    Some advice on order of tasks...

    Hi, I am taking the walls back to brick at the weekend in the living room as they are all blown, I am also removing the door frames as they are totally wrecked and need replacing, my question is what should the order of jobs be, I think I am partially right but unsure, could anyone help? I need...
  9. J

    Asbestos Insulation Board above Artex

    I was ripping down an Artex ceiling on an outside porch when a neighbour warned there was Asbestos Insulation Board above the Artex (It was built in mid 1970s). I had a mask on and soaked the Artex ceiling first but I know that would not be enough protection if AIB was above it. The board I...
  10. S

    Speaker wiring in dot and dab plasterboard wall

    Hi All, Been trawling the forums a bit on here but can't find a specific answer to what I'm looking for. Basically my man cave is upstairs with a loft space above it. I have a TV mounted to the wall and I'm now looking to wall mount my speakers to get a bit more space on my desk. The wall in...
  11. C

    Awkward kitchen high quote

    Half way though a kitchen refurb and got a shock when I was quoted 2k for plastering. Now 2 walls will need battening but the room is less than 3x5. Some is awkward and some will need browning rather than boarding. Also having the ceiling overboarding. I live in Berkshire and the walls are back...
  12. tjhdexter

    Sticking Plasterboard on Damp Proof Membrane

    Going to be renovating my outhouse and turning it into a bar/reception area. Thinking about putting plasterboard on the walls (concrete) using plasterboard adhesive but I just wanted to know if I can stick it on the wall once it's been painted with damp proof membrane? Also need some advice with...
  13. R

    Fixing coat rack to plasterboard wall

    Hi I have been trying to fix a coat rail similar to this one to a plasterboard wall. I got myself a pack of these metal anchor bolts from B&Q. It says on the pack "suitable for plasterboard". The steps for installing them are as follows: 1) Drill hole 2) Insert anchor into wall, ensuring...