White lies matter

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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This is great. You watch how little the lefty white guilt apologists will pick up on this. Mainly because I'd say most of the money came from them suckers.
We heard you the first time. Your repetition doesn't make your opinion worth anymore.
It does show that you have no ability to expand on your worthless opinion.

This is great. You watch how little the lefty white guilt apologists will pick up on this. Mainly because I'd say most of the money came from them.
Who called them traitors, Bod?
If you can't or won't answer, you do realise what it means, that your claim is false, vexatious and worthless.
In which case you should edit the heading of the thread to Bod's lies matter.
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Not totally relevant, but I was listening to a discussion about the London Marathon last week and they mentioned that apart from the elite front runners, they didn't notice many black people running it. They asked why it may be and the answer given was that they were probably too busy making TV adverts.
Not at all relevant. But why pass up an opportunity to divert the thread?
Was the discussion in a pub? In which case 'they' being other drinkers in the pub?

Who called them traitors, Bod?
Was that one of Bod's white lies?
If you can't or won't answer, you do realise the the whole thread was based on a false premise, (another word for a 'lie'). :rolleyes:
Wow...... blatant bigotry

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For information, if you are a loony lefty it is currently Black History Month. For the rest of us it is game season.
Kane West & Candice Owens give hope to us all getting on, and this hatred is not as bad as we all might think.
Who called them traitors, Bod?
If you can't or won't answer, you do realise what it means, that your claim is false, vexatious and worthless.
In which case you should edit the heading of the thread to Bod's lies matter.

Who called them traitors, Bod?
Was that one of Bod's white lies?
If you can't or won't answer, you do realise the the whole thread was based on a false premise, (another word for a 'lie'). :rolleyes:

We heard you the first time. Your repetition doesn't make your opinion worth anymore.
It does show that you have no ability to expand on your worthless opinion.

You should listen to yourself occasionally.
You should listen to yourself occasionally.
Who called them traitors, Bod, Mottie, Ihavenojob, AndyDevon, Andy11, anyone else who can answer?
Why is it bigotry to criticise another's clothes. Bod?

Please don't compound your lies, by pretending you can't read my comments, Bod. You know I have posted, you know it's me, so you must have seen, at least a glimpse of what I've written. To pretend that you haven't read my comments, and ask others what have I written is the stupidest level of deceit on top of your previous incidents of deceit.

As none of you are able to answer, it is proof that Bod started this thread on a false premise.
He lied, in order to make a false accusation of racism against someone else.

That about sums up the level of integrity of Bod.

Then others pile in with their support for a liar, try to divert the thread, and make other ridiculous arguments that criticism of another's clothes is racism.

It doesn't get any less ridiculous on here.
I tend not to take notice of part ex, the equaliser, bi pat or whatever it calls itself, it's witterings are like a visual form of tinnitus.
A convenient way to refuse to participate in intelligent discussion.
You just sit on the side lines making irrelevant comments and avoid answering relevant questions.. That illustrates the irrelevance of your contributions.
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