When is this going to stop?

14 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom


If dogs are so big and strong that they cannot reasonably be fought off by an adult, they have no place in this country, in my honest opinion.

I couldn't care less about the "my dog wouldn't hurt a fly / is soft as a brush" brigade.
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My wife has just told me about someone else who's been killed by another dog(s). She also told me about a 10 year old boy who was attacked but people managed to intervene. The trouble is,  any dog can turn. I go into people's houses on a daily basis and I'm more wary now than I used to be, had a couple of near misses. One particular flat the dog went for me customer was distraught as she said it's never happened before with others wearing hi-vis tops.
If dogs are so big and strong that they cannot reasonably be fought off by an adult, they have no place in this country, in my honest opinion.

It's in part the breed of dog, and how it has been raised. However, dogs can lose it, and go on the rampage, just as people can - nothing much can be done about that, without banning all dogs and all people.

My own BC, really wouldn't hurt a fly. Act strange or timid around her, and she will bark and back away.
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I've never liked anyone who doesn't like dogs.

There is a big difference in the people who like dogs & the people who just like owning dogs. I don't know many people who don't own at least 1 dog, sometimes working dogs, but mostly as a pet for companionship. I've always said that everyone needs at least 1 member of their household who is always happy to see them when they come home !

Back in t'village Collie's are very popular on t'farms even tho' it isn't a sheep area, Lurchers, Spaniels, Retrievers etc often define a mans particular hobby, but most dogs that can be found either out on the walks or in t'pub garden on a sunny evening are the great mix of breeds that make good house dogs with good temperaments.

I don't know anyone who owns an XL Bully, I cannot think of any particular work they are suited to & I understand that they don't make good house dogs. So I guess the majority of their owners just like owning dogs to reflect or extend their personalities.
I don't know anyone who owns an XL Bully,
I know three! The son of an MOT station owner that I know (they keep it in a large cage on-site at the mot station), the daughter and her boyfriend of a bloke I know and one of the students that attends my training centre - he got it from his step-dad as a 15th birthday present! All the same type of person unfortunately….
We work on an estate we’re a couple of the blokes there have dogs that are caged for most of the day ( gun dogs ?? ) pacing up
And down there cages
Constantly barking

I don’t like it and I think it is cruel tbh

My neighbours have an Irish wolf hound massive dog but it’s as daft as a brush he has two daughters the dog is bigger ( taller ) than them

They do seem to be very responsible owners ?? And I don’t think that breed of dog is of the aggressive type ?

I like dogs but never had one
More of a cat person
I know three! The son of an MOT station owner that I know (they keep it in a large cage on-site at the mot station), the daughter and her boyfriend of a bloke I know and one of the students that attends my training centre - he got it from his step-dad as a 15th birthday present! All the same type of person unfortunately….
Trakky bottom wearing, knuckle dragging mouth breathers. Burdens on the welfare state who become bitter & twisted 'cos they just cannot fathom why everyone else looks down on 'em.

You know three of 'em you say? I don't know any.
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