What have you been doing today?

Did a little bit in the kitchen. Bordering on getting fed up with it so called it a day quite early. Had tea, went over the allotment and weeded my other front flower bed. It was like a jungle. Stayed over there until the gnats came out.

It was like this, all the way along:


Looked a lot better when I’d finished.



Saw Mr Fox again. He's getting used to me a little bit. I’m sure he smiled for this photo.

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Took the dog for a proper walk with her mates - the first time I’ve done that since starting the kitchen refit. Thought I’d miss out as I was expecting delivery of our new hob today, it arrived at 7.15am though. Did some more work in the kitchen - fitted and plumbed up a sink.
Very little. Got up late, 8.30, had a bit of breakfast, watched a bit of telly (can’t even remember what I watched), had a bit of a tidy up in the kitchen, took the dog out for a walk, had a tidy up of the patio where I’ve been chucking all the packing cases and off cuts of wood, cable and drainpipe, made the lunch for when Mrs Mottie gets home. Going to have to make a start on the kitchen at some point. I think I’ll do some electrics today - relocating the old 6mm oven feed and isolator to the back of one of my new cupboards as I’ll need that to power the induction hob. If my new washing machine drain hose arrives today, I’ll take the machine out, fit it and re-route the new hose to the connection on the sink drain. At least we'll now have a working sink, dishwasher and washing machine (when the hose arrives) I think I might need a day off from the kitchen tomorrow, it’s starting to become a chore. Still, I’ve lasted well so far!
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Some while ago, we bought a caravan cover, to keep the dirt and weather off it, when parked in my drive. When test fitting it, I noticed it snagged on the sharp outer edges, of an alloy strip, which covered the joins between front panel and roof. This morning, I've been filing the corners off, and making up some plastic caps, to fit as additional protection from snagging the cover - fixed in place with double-sided number-plate tape.

Other problem, has been next doors trees, damaging the roof, difficulty of access, and reach to cut them back. Solution found....

Poke ladder up, from inside caravan, through the large sliding roof panel. Climb ladder, then use caravan mover to get me exactly where I need to be, to chop branches.
Going to have to make a start on the kitchen at some point. I think I’ll do some electrics today - relocating the old 6mm oven feed and isolator to the back of one of my new cupboards as I’ll need that to power the induction hob.
4.15 and I’m still thinking about it.
Just pottering about in the workshop, listening to the rain falling gently on the metal roof - quite relaxing...

I've been making myself a 'honing guide, setting tool' thingummy', to go with my wood chisel, and plane blade honing guide. It's just a bit of timber, with strips of timber fixed to it, at four different, and precise distances from the edge. The distance from the edge, sets the honing angle on the guide. two angles for chisels, two for plane irons.

It just avoids the need to measure every time the guide is used.
Walked the dog. Got soaked. Saw that a tree had come down across the path.



Undid my tap flexi hose without completely turning the valve off. Got soaked.
Went over the allotment to water plants in the greenhouse - decided to plant some out as well as harvest some asparagus as that was going to seed. Got soaked.

Watched my mate finish off plastering my kitchen and drill a hole through the wall for my extractor. Cut out the top of my drawer unit suitable for my new hob. Haven’t fitted it permanently yet as still waiting for the worktop to be templated. Had a tidy up of my tool box and found enough pencils and tape measures to last me another three days! :LOL:

For months, I have been advertising an industrial grade long double extension, I wanted to swap for a lighter domestic version of a similar size. I always struggled with the sheer weight of them especially on my own, trying to extend them. more so now I am older and weaker. For months, I have been pestered by people saying 'how much', despite the clear 'FOR SWAP' in the title and description. I finally swapped them this morning, for a set of Youngmans 100 range, so I can delete the ad..
Went up the workshop to tidy up and bring back my mains powered drill as I have a fair bit of drilling to do tomorrow and my little cordless drill won’t be up to it. Called round to see a mate who still lives down there and had a cup of tea and a chat. Came home, fitted the washing machine into its space and re routed the waste pipe, fitted three doors to cupboards. Finished at 5.00. Early day for me.
Steam hauled trip with meal. Beautiful sunny evening.
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Where to? For Mrs Motties birthday a few years ago, we got a steam hauled trip from our local station, Upminster, to Winchester. Had a meal both ways. Only thing I didn’t enjoy was the soot and ash coming in the window and going in my meal!

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