
11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
The United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza. Thirteen Security Council members voted in favour of a brief draft resolution, put forward by the United Arab Emirates on Friday, while the United Kingdom abstained.

“While the US strongly supports a durable peace in which both Israel and Palestine can live in peace and security, we do not support calls for an immediate ceasefire. This would only plant the seeds for the next war, because Hamas has no desire to see a durable peace, to see a two-state solution,” said Robert Wood, deputy US ambassador to the UN.

The vote came after Guterres deployed rarely-used Article 99 of the UN Charter to bring to the council’s attention “any matter which, in his opinion, may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”.

NO justice. NO peace.
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As Israel presses its military offensive across Gaza, the army has been repeatedly advising some two million civilians to move to a "humanitarian zone" smaller than London's Heathrow Airport.

Al-Mawasi is a narrow strip of land by the Mediterranean Sea. It has few buildings and largely consists of sandy dunes and agricultural land. The zone designated as safe by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), is just 8.5 sq km (3.3 sq miles).

[email protected]

At least waiting for a flight from Heathrow is a tad safer. Maybe the math nerds can say how much room two million people have in an area measuring a little over three square miles.
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What would your long term plans be for peace in the region?
I can let 'em know if you got the Israeli Embassy's phone number handy - reckon they'd pay heed rather than listen to the American Secretary of State?
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What would your long term plans be for peace in the region?
It's been demonstrated throughout history that conflict is not the road to peace.
It merely perpetuates the conflct.
Here you go

https://embassies.gov.il/london/Pages/default.aspxor just phone 020 7957 9500

Before you do you may want to articulate how Hamas objective to kill all jews and destroy Israel is mitigated. Then you can cover the sexual torture mutilation and rape of hundreds of innocent civilians along with the kidnap of 200 plus.

Good luck with that.
Do you think he should explain how the Zionist charter is to exclude all Palestinians from israel, and reject the two state solution?
Do you thik he should also explain how the Israel Chief Rabbi condones IDF soldiers raping Palectinian women?
Do you think he should explain how the Zionist charter is to exclude all Palestinians from israel, and reject the two state solution?
Do you thik he should also explain how the Israel Chief Rabbi condones IDF soldiers raping Palectinian women?
Maybe you should Roy ? You’re the self appointed Hamas expert after all.
Do a bit of research on that claim that the Rabbi condones rape. Find the actual source (2002) and recognise that he was referring to the teachings of their holy book and clarified that Rape in modern times is not acceptable.

Would you equally chastise the pope or the arch bishop because their holy book has many negative texts towards woman. e.g. Ephesians 5:22-23

I'm off to go a buy a virgin for 50 shekels, after first testing the goods forcefully because apparently according to nosenout, I am a dumped, broke, single divorcee who isn't getting any.
Do a bit of research on that claim that the Rabbi condones rape. Find the actual source (2002) and recognise that he was referring to the teachings of their holy book and clarified that Rape in modern times is not acceptable.
If you have the evidence to refute my presented evidence, please provide it for us all to peruse.
Instead of some vague claim there's other evidence elsewhere. :rolleyes:
Do you thik he should also explain how the Israel Chief Rabbi condones IDF soldiers raping Palectinian women?
You made the claim - surely you can back it up. I researched it and it took me 2 minutes to see it was out of context, over 20 years old and a reference to the holy book.
You made the claim - surely you can back it up. I researched it and it took me 2 minutes to see it was out of context, over 20 years old and a reference to the holy book.
I did make the claim, and I presented the evidence.
You are now questioning that evidence. You'll need to present counter evidence to justify your claim.
I'm afraid that your opinion will just not do.

A reminder:
Karim replied that, as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers’ morale during fighting, it is permitted to “breach” the walls of modesty and “satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will, out of consideration for the difficulties faced by the soldiers and for overall success.”
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