The Weather Today is...

11 Nov 2020
Reaction score
Middle Earth
United Kingdom

The weather's on the change, Ice clouds invading - Pressure lines joint in faint discord and the stormwatch brews - A concert of kings as the white sea snaps -
At the heels of a soft prayer whispered...

Short n' sweet.:mrgreen:
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Here in Middle Earth, as night clings to the treeline in the dawn's early light, a waning moon fades into a clear day. It's chilly but not so cold that early snowdrops can look forward to an average eight degrees, sinking to freezing at a 16.46 sunset. All is well.
Must be magic mushroom harvest time.
The prime time is late spring through to the end of autumn.

The Aztecs dubbed them "the flesh of the gods", Siberian shamans used them to enlighten their path to the spirit world...
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Mind you, mushrooms for breakfast are magic: sliced, fried in butter til golden brown with a little sea salt and fennel. Chuck a couple o' links in the pan with a rasher or two to keep 'em company. Eggs bubbling in the juices, over-easy. On special occasions a tomato can join the party and a slice of thick wholemeal to soak up all the good stuff left in the pan...a breakfast blast from the past, on days when the wind was biting from the east, like a beast with no sense of humor. Still, pigs had to be fed, chickens too, and the old cow next door need a-milkin' before she got grumpy.

Cha loisg teine, grian, no gealach mi,
Cha bhath luin, li, no sala mi,
Cha reub saighid sithich, no sibhich mi,
Is mi fo chomaraig mo Naomh Muire
Is i mo chaomh mhuime Bride.

A bit nippy this morning but not as cold as the day record set in 1986 at -8 degrees. I remember it well. A cold wind blew all the way to Valhalla.

You have to go all the way back to 1955 to find the coldest St David's day on record. :mrgreen:
The garden WeatherWitch flies north on the first day of Spring...

Equinox is upon us, although the Equilux on Sunday night was the time when equal hours of daylight and darkness prevailed. A rainy day. Good for the garden. :mrgreen:

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