The McCann mystery,

28 Oct 2005
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Is going to be solved tonight on Crimewatch.

A crack team of Scotland Yard investigators has (after 6 years and god knows how many millions of pounds) decided that the culprit is a man seen carrying a blonde haired child in a warm holiday resort wearing just pyjamas. Sorted. I knew they could do it. I knew it had nothing to do with the parents. The cadaver dogs were wrong. It was that man seen carrying a blonde haired child in a holiday resort. Don't miss it. Nothing to do with the Tapas 9 or the parents. It's the man seen carrying a child in a holiday resort. Six years and millions of pounds. It was worth it though. We know who it is now.
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It's obvious, the butler did it.

I find the whole thing bizarre and I still get a weird shudder every time I think about what happened. I'm still paranoid about me own sprogs because of it.

I have to say though, I don't know of many people who would leave their young sprogs alone in an apartment, for any length of time. Especially ones so very young.
And then claim there was a break in? Listen outside the door instead of going in? Two babies that could choke? A girl old enough to wander away, left for hours whilst the parents get their rocks off?

What kind of investigation is it that starts not at the crime scene, but on the assumption that all those there at the time are completely innocent.

Somebody fetch Brian Rix.
I would imagine that all those forthcoming in the investigation have been scrutinised to within an inch of their lives, the McCanns included.

What I find bizarre is the lack of any clue as to what happened to that little girl.

Very odd.
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Nah they've been protected. The establishment don't want the truth. They want a whitewash.

Did they ask Kate McCann the 48 questions she refused to answer when the child first went missing?

1. On May 3 2007, around 22:00, when you entered the apartment, what did you see? What did you do? Where did you look? What did you touch?
2. Did you search inside the bedroom wardrobe? (she replied that she wouldn’t answer)
3. (shown 2 photographs of her bedroom wardrobe) Can you describe its contents?
4. Why had the curtain behind the sofa in front of the side window (whose photo was shown to her) been tampered with? Did somebody go behind that sofa?
5. How long did your search of the apartment take after you detected your daughter Madeleine’s disappearance?
6. Why did you say from the start that Madeleine had been abducted?
7. Assuming Madeleine had been abducted, why did you leave the twins home alone to go to the ‘Tapas’ and raise the alarm? Because the supposed abductor could still be in the apartment.
8. Why didn’t you ask the twins, at that moment, what had happened to their sister or why didn’t you ask them later on?
9. When you raised the alarm at the ‘Tapas’ what exactly did you say and what were your exact words?
10. What happened after you raised the alarm in the ‘Tapas’?
11. Why did you go and warn your friends instead of shouting from the verandah?
12. Who contacted the authorities?
13. Who took place in the searches?
14. Did anyone outside of the group learn of Madeleine’s disappearance in those following minutes?
15. Did any neighbour offer you help after the disappearance?
16. What does 'we let her down' mean?
17. Did Jane tell you that night that she’d seen a man with a child?
18. How were the authorities contacted and which police force was alerted?
19. During the searches, with the police already there, where did you search for Maddie, how and in what way?
20. Why did the twins not wake up during that search or when they were taken upstairs?
21. Who did you phone after the occurrence?
22. Did you call Sky News?
23. Did you know the danger of calling the media, because it could influence the abductor?
24. Did you ask for a priest?
25. By what means did you divulge Madeleine’s features, by photographs or by any other means?
26. Is it true that during the searches you remained seated on Maddie’s bed without moving?
27. What was your behaviour that night?
28. Did you manage to sleep?
29. Before travelling to Portugal did you make any comment about a foreboding or a bad feeling?
30. What was Madeleine’s behaviour like?
31. Did Maddie suffer from any illness or take any medication?
32. What was Madeleine’s relationship like with her brother and sister?
33. What was Madeleine’s relationship like with her brother and sister, friends and school mates?
34. As for your professional life, in how many and which hospitals have you worked?
35. What is your medical specialty?
36. Have you ever done shift work in any emergency services or other services?
37. Did you work every day?
38. At a certain point you stopped working, why?
39. Are the twins difficult to get to sleep? Are they restless and does that cause you uneasiness?
40. Is it true that sometimes you despaired with your children’s behaviour and that left you feeling very uneasy?
41. Is it true that in England you even considered handing over Madeleine’s custody to a relative?
42. In England, did you medicate your children? What type of medication?
43. In the case files you were SHOWN CANINE forensic testing films, where you can see them marking due to detection of the scent of human corpse and blood traces, also human, and only human, as well as all the comments of the technician in charge of them. After watching and after the marking of the scent of corpse in your bedroom beside the wardrobe and behind the sofa, pushed up against the sofa wall, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?
44. When the sniffer dog also marked human blood behind the sofa, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?
45. When the sniffer dog marked the scent of corpse coming from the vehicle you hired a month after the disappearance, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?
46. When human blood was marked in the boot of the vehicle, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?
47. When confronted with the results of Maddie’s DNA, whose analysis was carried out in a British laboratory, collected from behind the sofa and the boot of the vehicle, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?
48. Did you have any responsibility or intervention in your daughter’s disappearance?
Q. Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardising the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?
A. 'Yes, if that’s what the investigation thinks.'

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I love this where Joe is putting everything he owns on red or black...

Joe there is a lot of evidence which could point either way, and I suspect a lot of evidence you're not party to!!

You always spice your argument up with emotive nonsence though...

Yes, I'd agree the McCanns made an error of judgement (but so does everyone that has a child abducted), and many parents take measured risks everyday with their kids and luckily don't get them abducted, or run over etc.

You say they could've choked ? well we all put our kids to bed every night, and then go and hit the sack for 7 hours... any child could choke and us parents needn't necessarily hear a thing. Why aren't you shouting about cot death parents, for not sitting up watching their kids?

Oh, and you say the McCanns were "getting their rocks off"... have you any evidence to suggest their behaviour was different to most couples/groups in a restaurant?

You might be right Joe, in the end, but what annoys me is your lack of compassion and seeming 'enjoyment' over the whole terrible crime!
Joe, if your daughter was found battered and in a heap in your garden and the coppers asked you if you had a hammer, or when you last rowed with your daughter etc..

Would you be able, through the grief, to come up with your best answers...?

And maybe your legal representation had told you to say "no comment" to anything apart from your name etc..?

I don't know, but I suggest you're hunting the McCanns down.....!!
Kate took her dirty death riddled work clothes with her on holiday. Didn't even wash them. Did they ask her about that one?
Joe, if your daughter was found battered and in a heap in your garden and the coppers asked you if you had a hammer, or when you last rowed with your daughter etc..

Would you be able, through the grief, to come up with your best answers...?

And maybe your legal representation had told you to say "no comment" to anything apart from your name etc..?

I don't know, but I suggest you're hunting the McCanns down.....!!

I'd expect the police to quizz me and investigate fully as the murderer is usually known to the child. ;)
Joe, as I say, you could be right, who knows? My stance at present is, I feel a lot of sympathy for the McCanns, at the terrible ordeal they've suffered thus far.

I think people should be deemed innocent until proven guilty... let the courts do their work Joe... and stop revelling in your own self satisfaction...!
The MCcanns are not in the investigations. The investigation is to catch a man carrying a child in a holiday resort. You see THOUSANDS of kids being carried in a resort because kids get tired and dad carries them home.

Two year investigation, 5 million quid - and they don't even question the main suspects? Whitewash.
The MCcanns are not in the investigations. The investigation is to catch a man carrying a child in a holiday resort. You see THOUSANDS of kids being carried in a resort because kids get tired and dad carries them home.

Two year investigation, 5 million quid - and they don't even question the main suspects? Whitewash.

Grow up Joe... have some compassion !!

Those parents are actually INNOCENT in our law, until a court decides otherwise. So you should just chew back on your pathetic attack until people with ALL the evidence make a far more informed decision that you have.

What you've done on here about Maddy thus far is disgusting, even if you are right !!!!

If you are right Joe, then I'll say nowt more about it because you'll be boring everyone with "I told you so" stories... but if you're wrong, then you could be riding into town on your steed, and hanging people by the neck on your whim...

Let the courts deal with it and react to their outcome, rather than slagging off potentially innocent people - because if they are innocent, you are acting like a complete **** (I used my own asterisks!)
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