Saving MP3 to Disc

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Windows XP home/ Nero. My daughter download about 1.5gb of mp3 files she forgot to bring the software for her MP3 player & we were unable to download, I thought not a problem as I can save to disc & she can take back home.
Tried to save them as MP3 to a disc, I did not get any errors, but they didnt save, I also tried saving just by copy/paste, they still did not transfer. They save to a usb memory stick with out problem. Any ideas.
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you do not need the software for her mp3 player it should automatically connect when you plug it in plug the mp3 player in and you should receive on screen a menu box choose the option with windows explorer when in windows explorer the right pane is your hardware look for the folder where your music is downloaded to and open it up it will appear on the right now
you can drag each file or copy the whole lot by highlighting the first file and hold down the shift key and point the mouse and right click the last file all will be selected then choose copy go to the right pane and look for (removable drive) and right click it and select paste it should transfer now
Davy...When we plugged the player in, just got the usual new hardware found & it was looking it. Could not go beyond that. Now she has gone back up north I want to save the files to disc & send them, as my original post said I cant do this. Any ideas/suggestions. Thanks
Update. I copied the mp3's to memory stick, bought them into the office & they play & copy to disc. I am using Roxio at the office Nero on home, So I would suspect that Nero has a problem.
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Have you tried writing the files to disc using windows? Select the files you want to copy, right click and select your cd or dvd drive that you want to write it with. Then just follow the instructions.
Have you tried another disc?
gcol, ta for idea, yes I tried writting to CD & DVD. I will try doing it through windows tonight.