
21 Sep 2011
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United Kingdom
OK! I guess I know the answer really, but I am hoping maybe somebody has a solution I have missed. :D

We have Rats in the garden seen the odd one from time to time but we saw 5 on the bird feeder a couple of weeks ago.

Yes I am a softie but having kept pet rats (Mel & Griff) I have quite a soft spot for them.

I hate the idea of poisoning them because they take 48 hours to die, so we have removed the bird feeders and placed traps which kill instantly (with the airgun to hand for any quick euthanasia should it be required) the little b*****s run along, tiptoe past the traps and then scamper off!

All we caught was a poor little mouse, felt really guilty about that! We have plugin deterrent in the side store where we keep some reserve food and importantly beer! This area seems to be OK so far thankfully ;)

The wife just lifted the compost lid and one was staring back at her!

Any ideas before I have to resort to poison (I have an idea that the Mrs would rather just live with them) is there a poison that kills "humanely" maybe just gets 'em p****D out of there mind before they shuffle off like slug traps!
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i tried a few traps, i had them in the kitchen and in my walls, even the dogs weren't doing very well (they were winning 5-0 though!)

I resorted to poison after months of trying different things. I haven't seen the dead rats, but the noises have stopped and the poison isn't being taken as often now

good luck
Rats like compost heaps.

However you kill them (which is mean, I too had pet rats), if there is something attracting them, they will just keep coming back.

The same for the area surrounding your garden, if that contains something of interest to them, then they may still pass through or nest in your garden.
Why all this sentimental slush about not using poison to kill rats ffs!

It's them or us - they don't show you any concern when they spread Weils disease in their urine wherever they go.
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Revert to Poison NOW!

I am an avid Air Rifle competitive shooter, but by law I cannot shoot Rats in my own back Garden, the pellets may fly off onto someone else's property , and my garden is within 25 yards of the Centre line of a road.

An air rifle with a so called moderator, a sort of Silencer is very effective at knocking Rats down, recent advances also have Air rifles fitted with different types of night Sights that are deadly against Rats, Etc.

As others have said POISON THEM. The local council pest control will give free advice about the best poison and the safety measures to protect pets and wildlife.

Electrocution is a safe way but requires a sensor detecting a rat in the killing zone to switch on the power otherwise the rats avoid the killing zone.
As others have said POISON THEM. The local council pest control will give free advice about the best poison and the safety measures to protect pets and wildlife.

Electrocution is a safe way but requires a sensor detecting a rat in the killing zone to switch on the power otherwise the rats avoid the killing zone.

Do they sense the electricity?
I had rats in my garden a couple of years back and used a humane trap to get rid of them. I placed the trap by the fence as they tend to stick to the boundaries and baited it with sliced ham & chicken. I think I caught about five or six in the end and they all went for a little ride in the back of my car to the open countryside.
You mentioned that you have a rat feeder in your garden, where you presumably put rat food to fall on the ground and attract the wild rats.

Stop feeding them.
Thank you all for your suggestions, about my tiny tenants :D

JohnD as I said "we have removed the bird feeders and placed traps"
trouble is I think we are on a hiding to nothing as our neighbour keeps chickens ! :cry:

It does look like a call to the council may well be the best option, I checked and the cost is less than we would spend on bait, I was just hoping for another solution that would ease my conscience and not leave poison carcases around for other animals to feed on :confused:
i keep chickens, and although the rats are attracted, that's not the reason they're there - it's the food and water

Might be worth advising you neighbour that food and water should be kept up off the ground where the rats can't reach but the chickens can
EFLImpudence you posted "Just use the night sights, then"

You tell me how and I will give it a bash?

Trouble is the night sights come in at £ 500+ seems a lot of money to go chucking at rats, I recon it is best used on a good PCP plus a really good "Moderator" to almost totally deaden the sound of the rifle.
Micilin and Bernardgreen mentioned Electricity and can rats sense its presence?

I have now on dozens of occasions rat damage to power cabling where the rats have devoured the outer sheathing, and the sheathing surrounding the cables themselves, But?

The rats will chew away on opposing sides of a cable, leaving the insulation in tact between the live and neutral and Earth, as above I have seen this type of damage on a load of occasions.

If you have had rats as Pets? you will see how they explore their environment, but at all times the Rat will have a plan and an escape route back to its safe territory and indeed home.
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