Rate your DIY skills

16 Sep 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I've set a couple of criteria. Now, before you start crying that it doesn't cover everything or is a flawed system, don't bother! It's just a bit of fun. If I tried to cover more variables I'd be here all night! It's all subjective, I know that, however just play the blo0dy game being honest with yourself re your own skills :)

Step 1 - No. of DIY Tasks
This scale relates to the different types/categories of DIY tasks you can do. Refer to the forum categories as pointers if required.
This scale is only concerned with quantity not quality.
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being 'I can just about manage one thing tops!' and 10 being 'I could practically build a house!' take a note of where you are on the scale.

Step 2 - Quality of Work
This scale relates to the average quality of your work across the types/categories of DIY you can do.
This scale is only concerned with quality not quantity.
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being 'My DIY work leaves a LOT to be desired!' and 10 being 'My DIY work is on a par with the pros!' take a note of where you are on the scale.

Step 3 - Your Skill Rating
Add both numbers together.
Divide by 2.
The resultant number is your DIY Skill Rating out of 10.

I'll start:

Step 1: 6
Step 2: 8
Skill Rating: 7
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Im good at what I do, but rubbish at anything else... I love doing bathrooms; I get individual professionals to do what they are good at and I stick to the Plumbing & Heating.
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(3+5)/2=4...not that keen on much diy.I cannot tile,plaster,bricklay,cars....would rather boil my head
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Personal opinion I would go for 8+8/2=8

My wife says she would mark me 9+9/2=9 only because she knows I can't/won't plaster but she is always highly pleased with the end result of anything I tackle, (and believe me! She is very particular about things being done correctly and professionally).
That's 8.
3+5/2=4...not that keen on much diy.I cannot tile,plaster,bricklay,cars....would rather boil my head
That's 5.5
Personal opinion I would go for 8+8/2=8
That's 12
My wife says she would mark me 9+9/2=9 only because she knows I can't/won't plaster but she is always highly pleased with the end result of anything I tackle, (and believe me! She is very particular about things being done correctly and professionally).
That's 13.5

I'm obviously good at maths and pedantic.
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