Pro-Palestine Protests

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Since the UN considered it a war crime...
The UN is a discredited outfit. They support Gaza and there's evidence that UNWRA helped plan Oct 7. Amazingly, there are members of the Iranian regime in important UN positions, see this from Feb 2023. AFAIK it's still the case.

"Amid campaigning against Iran's appointment as chair of the UN Human Rights Council’s Social Forum, the Islamic Republic has gained another UN leadership position.

The regime was appointed Thursday as one of the vice-presidents of the UN General Assembly which will begin next September, drawing reactions from several members and dozens of activists. The body also appointed Iran’s envoy Heidar-Ali Balouji as the rapporteur of the Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Committee of the General Assembly and a member of the board of this committee.

The US mission in UN dissociated itself from the election and expressed its opposition to Iran's leadership throughout the UN system, saying: “Iran cannot act as an honest broker in its role as a Vice President of the General Assembly, because it has shown, time and time again, that it does not seek to enhance global peace and security, but rather works against it.”
The UN is a discredited outfit. They support Gaza and there's evidence that UNWRA helped plan Oct 7.
There isn't.

Israel claimed they had evidence of that, then changed their claim that there were 12 members of UNWRA who were members of Hamas, but they have refused to share that evidence with anyone.
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Not really interested in the Israel/Palestine thing, but read an account of the savagery by Palestine when they attacked innocents recently in Gaza. Can't believe how anyone can know the details of what went on and still support Palestine. Maybe supporters are ignorant.

Said it was the third largest terrorist attack ever, 9/11 being number one. As expected, all were courtesy of the Religion Of Peace. :rolleyes:
Not really interested in the Israel/Palestine thing, but read an account of the savagery by Palestine when they attacked innocents recently in Gaza. Can't believe how anyone can know the details of what went on and still support Palestine. Maybe supporters are ignorant.

Said it was the third largest terrorist attack ever, 9/11 being number one. As expected, all were courtesy of the Religion Of Peace. :rolleyes:
There's a difference between recognising both sides are wrong, and supporting 1 side
That doesn't mean it doesn't exist! :giggle:

The UN is still suspect, ever since it appointed war criminal Kurt Waldheim as GenSec.
Considering the charges laid out by the ICC it'd be in Israel's interests to produce any evidence they had, yes?
Israel claimed they had evidence of that, then changed their claim that there were 12 members of UNWRA who were members of Hamas, but they have refused to share that evidence with anyone.
A French lady took a look at the UNRWA set up in general and had some suggestion concerning changes but nothing serious. This concerned it's structure and function and aspects like that.

The 12
The Secretary-General is horrified by extremely serious allegations which implicate several UNRWA staff members in the terror attacks of 7 October in Israel. The UN is taking swift action.
The Secretary-General immediately activated an investigation by the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS).
Of the 12 people implicated, UNRWA immediately identified and terminated the contracts of ten, another two are confirmed dead.

Subject to the results from that the UN will if needed take criminal proceedings against the accused. That depends on any proof Israel supplies.
That doesn't mean it doesn't exist! :giggle:

The UN is still suspect, ever since it appointed war criminal Kurt Waldheim as GenSec.
What about Nato giving Hitlers Chief of Staff the top post in their organisation.

Our gov debated the demonstration laws not long ago but there was disagreement. It seems Suella just changed them and the high court has decided the change is illegal. It related to the disruption they cause. Seems she altered it to anything above trivial is unacceptable.

Not sure when she did this but it doesn't seem to have changed how the police handle them.
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