Poor Londoners

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provoke Russia by taking NATO and nukes right up to their back door.
Ukraine was not a member of NATO when Russia invaded them.

Still isn't.

No nukes either.

But they had ambitions to be a prosperous Western Democracy

Putin doesn't want that nearby.

He saw what happened when East Germans could watch Western TV, in their own language.
Yes. That's why blue will vote blue and red will vote red.

It's only the few that don't vote as above that change anything.

But Boris! We've all seen what he his like and has done. Don't you want somebody that earns respect as a leader !

Yes of course.

The Torys have been shower of Shít.
The opposition in most people's opinion would not have been any better. Hence why a shower of shìt continued to beat them to the post.

Boris inherited a shower of Shìt in the most difficult time this country had seen since WWII.

He was let down by those around him, mixed with his inability to lie he was hounded out.

Have you ever been asked in life; If you had your time again, what would you do better?
Or how would you go about things? knowing what you know now.

Not many leaders get a 2nd chance.

If given the opportunity I will vote to give Boris, that second chance.
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If given the opportunity I will vote to give him that second chance

But he'll still be a lying incompetent.
And he'll still surround himself with brown-nosing, incompetent sycophants.

And the country will continue to circle the plughole.

Still, as long as your hero and his mates get their saddlebags filled, eh?

LOL I just listened to an AlJ program on UK politics / the elections. Interesting. An academic, and ex Tory advisor and another managed to bring out all of the wrinkles in 1/2 hour.
They also included the Brexit effect. The main reason for initial gain of power. Well we are out and others think it's a bad idea. What will their thoughts be now? Also the age demographics aspects.

Interesting thoughts on what Suella really wants. They do fit in with her comments - good shift to the right and get rid of objectors, Bring in Farage and others. She's even mentioned Truss ideas. The usual Tory mantra but a far more pointed extreme version of it.
You know when Labour are doing well - the RWR attack JC.


Well you would know noseall as you are an RWR :LOL:

As for Corbyn well he had a few fair weather friends in here ;)

One particular member sang his praises encouraging people to vote for him and not a word from him about his treatment when they kicked him out of the party he served for 40 years ? ( un like me :cool:)
Boris inherited a shower of Shìt in the most difficult time this country had seen since WWII.

He was let down by those around him, mixed with his inability to lie he was hounded out.
both bits totally wrong
Well you would know noseall as you are an RWR :LOL:

As for Corbyn well he had a few fair weather friends in here ;)

One particular member sang his praises encouraging people to vote for him and not a word from him about his treatment when they kicked him out of the party he served for 40 years ? ( un like me :cool:)
What use is any politician to the electorate, once their party has decided they no longer 'carry the baton'?
Sympathy would be a waste of energy. If Sir Keir were to be beamed off the planet tomorrow, same there - find another leader.
He was let down by those around him, mixed with his inability to lie he was hounded out.
More a case of having a motly crew even in the back benches all making different noises. That problem still hasn't gone.
Sunak PM by deals between factions. Not that unusual in politics but then comes the differences in views.

LOL Sunak has upset one deal and her similar followers
Six days later, she was reinstated as home secretary by Truss's successor Rishi Sunak. She was dismissed from her post by Sunak in the November 2023 British cabinet reshuffle.

Prior to that - unusual to just resign like this - maybe good grief look what's happened, best disassociate myself
She subsequently supported Liz Truss's bid to become Conservative leader, and was appointed home secretary on 6 September 2022 when Truss became prime minister. Braverman resigned as home secretary on 19 October 2022 following public claims that she had broken the Ministerial Code after having sent a Cabinet document using her personal email address.

Tory of old. There's MrsT not many noises from the Tory. Then comes a night of the long knives and she's gone. One reason said to be Poll Tax which I thought wasn't a bad idea really but what was it about really. Councils getting their money in a different way rather than gov top ups. We just pay someone else. They also though time for a different personality to take over. Along come Major. A more ordinary person. Passed his 11+ but left school as soon as he could with 3 O levels.2 English related and history. More salt of the earth than some . Ex grammar school plenty of mention. His early working jobs were pretty ordinary.

May, pure scapegoat. There was no way she would come back with anything that the ERG group would accepts. In fact I think this aspect upped the exit anti in our population.
What use is any politician to the electorate, once their party has decided they no longer 'carry the baton'?
Sympathy would be a waste of energy. If Sir Keir were to be beamed off the planet tomorrow, same there - find another leader.

Yep the parliamentary party turned against him
All his previous friends and colleagues got rid of him and dumped him out the party on some anti jew (?) (nonsense )

You have to get behind some one before stabbing them in the back

I note the party mouth piece (s) in here who sang his praises are / were remarkably silent over the caper

No surprise tbh :LOL:
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