Police stop videos

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Been watching some of em from the states we’re they end up using lethal force

Some one confronts them with a knife or gun they generally open up with lethal gun fire big time

But after they have shot some one with a full clip they always end up shouting

Don’ t move ??

Show us your hands ???

Bit difficult really ??

person has at least 15 bullet holes in them ? :giggle:
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In a palms out - surrender type of way.
Is that confrontational? Trans didn't mention anything about hands being part of the equation, he must have expected readers to understand what he wrote
Trans didn't mention
No, I did. I must have been watching a different vid, sorry. Perhaps I didn't type the right words in the search box. Ho hum. Ask him what I should type, seeing as you are his spokesman. (y)
All the fatalities on the videos I watched they all got what they deserved (?)

Either pointing a gun at the police
Attempted knife attack
Base ball bat attack
Ramming officers with there car

Some imo were obviously suicide by cop incidents

Some of the people they have to deal with on simple traffic stops that escalate

Red neck types who play this sovereign citizen carp who think the law does not apply to them

At least in the UK plod can be fairly confident that some one they pull over on a traffic stop is not carrying a gun ???
Well my point is after having unloaded an entire gun clip into some one asking not to move or show there hands seems a bit pointless ???

They chased some armed scum bag into an old peoples community centre he pointed his gun at them and they unloaded. On him big time

He was obviously in his death throws asking him to show his hands :giggle:
Well my point is after having unloaded an entire gun clip into some one asking not to move or show there hands seems a bit pointless ???

They chased some armed scum bag into an old peoples community centre he pointed his gun at them and they unloaded. On him big time

He was obviously in his death throws asking him to show his hands :giggle:
Do you watch snuff movies too? Your fondness for retribution, suffering and death, is disturbing.
Well my point is after having unloaded an entire gun clip into some one asking not to move or show there hands seems a bit pointless ???

They chased some armed scum bag into an old peoples community centre he pointed his gun at them and they unloaded. On him big time

He was obviously in his death throws asking him to show his hands :giggle:
Let me tell you a true story.

I was a passenger in a car in USA (Washington state, so not a redneck or aggressive area) and driver (black) was pulled over by police.

He took keys out of ignition placed on top of dash in clear sight, window down, put both hands on steering wheel at 10 to 2 position. Told me to put my hands palm up on my knees.

The guy was a professional it tech type, very calm and reasonable type.

Police was very slow on approach and had 1 hand on his holstered gun. Checked all details and was then relaxed and let us on our way .

I will let you work out why the driver did what he did. He called it self preservation.

The real issue is too many people over there have guns.
Yes, experienced the same.
It seems to be protocol in US to turn engine off and keep hands visible.
When it happened I thought of when I have been stopped in UK and got out of the car.
In US I would've probably been shot...
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