Point of order

johnny_t said:
My main beef is with a fairly mild word, rhymes with rugger and officially means bum-sex. Whenever it is auto-censored, it removes any aspect of tense from it, and it just becomes b****r, and doesn't make sense.
Do you mean bugger?
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More a case of b-u-g-g-e-r-r-e-d getting changed to buggered that bothers me......
Hey ban-all-sheds, why stop there we could torture them or even worse
sentence them to watching three weeks of East Enders. Thatel learnem.

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ban-all-sheds said:
masona said:
I don't think it has anything to do with the moderators, most swear or unsuitable words are auto censored and depends how the software is programmed maybe?
By an idiot.

In the context above, "bloody" was not a swear word, and removing it was totally unjustified.
Ahhh, how are you bloody well getting away with it? :LOL:

Eh? just happen to me now :confused:
I fail to see how the autocensor can "see" bugger as a rood wurd, but not "bum-sex"........!!
securespark said:
I fail to see how the autocensor can "see" b*****r as a rood wurd, but not "bum-sex"........!!

Its a crazy world we live in my friend, a crazy world.......

(and is bum-sex any ruder than front-bum-sex ??)
Blocking decent cuss words reduces the scope of a language to be truly descriptive. Take for example the word boll___ocks (*******s)which I assume the filters would stop. At first a most vulgar word. But I would suggest that it is actually a word borrowed from a similar sounding gaeilge word that means “a small festering pimple”. Now think on how the vulgar word is used and substitute it’s meaning. If you want to insult someone is there a better phrase?

He is a right little Bo*****
Kick in the Bo*****

Those that are confined to one F word miss out on such opportunities to be really insulting.
johnny_t said:
I seem to remember that at one point, anyone in Scunthorpe was prevented from using AOL for pretty much this reason.
Penistone :?:
johnny_t said:
I seem to remember that at one point, anyone in Scunthorpe was prevented from using AOL for pretty much this reason.
Penis tone Yorkshire :?:
While we are on the subject. My friend was taking a driving lesson and the instructor said let the clutch out slowly so he opened the door.

I know, I know but I tried !!

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