No Road Tax - No MOT

28 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
Latest wheeze by government is to exempt pre 1960 cars from an MOT - I should have kept my 1958 Isetta ( 4 wheeled version ) At the time , in the mid 70`s they wanted full rate road tax , the model with 1 wheel less was taxed as a motorcycle :rolleyes: . I wonder how many wrecks will be pulled out of barns and driven legally - you only need 4 good tyres for the plod to look at - :mrgreen:
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Its not a bad idea, there are less than 200'000 pre 1960 cars on the UK roads, and probably most of them are very well looked after and drive a few hundred miles a year....common sense I think.
One of the first changes to vehicle excise duty laws Blair and his cohorts made was to stop the rolling process where cars were tax exempted after 25 years. Typical socialists.Perhaps this should be reinstated.

Would imagine that it is sensible to keep some kind of condition check on older cars. Some spectacular rust in older cars. I'm thinking PA Crestas with the amazing vanishing bodywork, among others. :eek:
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Nige you don't pay road tax with a horse and cart.

Nige also know as 'Steptoe and Son' (his son does plastering you know)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Bad idea any vehicle that is used on a public road should have a periodic inspection, people could die as a result if something failed.
I also believe no vehicle that uses the public highways should be road fund exempt, it costs me dearly to keep my car on the road, why should others not pay as well?

I believe that the government should spend all money raised through the road fund licence, on the upkeep of the bloody roads we drive on. (but we know they'd never do that)
They'd have to raise taxes to pay benefits. Governments have no money.
ditch the freeloaders back to where they came from, money problems solved!

How many people like me have a couple of nice oldie's hanging around?.
More savings for those with more money.
Indeed - a pre `60 bentley would be a nice one :mrgreen:
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