Mobile Use on Ferry

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Ferries have their own satellite service and if you are on contract and connect to it, you will be charged through the nose to use it.

But what if you are on PAYG?
Will you just be denied service?
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Ferries have their own satellite service and if you are on contract and connect to it, you will be charged through the nose to use it.

But what if you are on PAYG?
Will you just be denied service?
No idea
Ferries have their own satellite service and if you are on contract and connect to it, you will be charged through the nose to use it.

But what if you are on PAYG?
Will you just be denied service?

My guess it will work like connecting to any foreign network -roaming charges will get taken.

Generally PAYG are set to roam -the mobile network is quite happy to let your credit get used up.

Contract usually requires asking the phone company, sometimes needing a payment on account before using

before a remoaner pipes up, roaming charges could increase.....
My lad has a Three PAYG SIM with no credit, but has an "Add-on" which converted £15 of credit into 5GB of data 300 minutes and 3K texts.

I'm not sure what happens if he connects to the Ferry's sat service. There is no credit balance on the phone only an allowance, so I guess the phone just won't connect, as there is no mechanism to take money for the service?
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We did the Portsmouth to Ouistreham ferry in August.
My son is on EE pay monthly, and (thought) he was connected to the ferry's free wi-fi.
He didn't realise that the wi-fi kept dropping out, and kicking him onto the ferry's network.
He ran up £50 in less than 5 hours.

Strangely though, I am on 3 pay monthly, didn't bother with the ferry wi-fi, and ran up nothing on top of my normal bill. I have no idea why (not).
Strangely though, I am on 3 pay monthly, didn't bother with the ferry wi-fi, and ran up nothing on top of my normal bill. I have no idea why (not).

I'm on 3 pay monthly too and I got caught on a cruise ship earlier this year. Didn't use the phone but I kept getting a message each day for the first three days telling me how much I had spent. I only got done for about 30 quid, as did the wife before we switched the phones off when at sea. I think it was our apps automatically updating on wifi that caught us out. Neither of us actively logged on to the ships wifi though as far as I could remember.
We did the Portsmouth to Ouistreham ferry in August.
My son is on EE pay monthly, and (thought) he was connected to the ferry's free wi-fi.
He didn't realise that the wi-fi kept dropping out, and kicking him onto the ferry's network.
He ran up £50 in less than 5 hours.

Strangely though, I am on 3 pay monthly, didn't bother with the ferry wi-fi, and ran up nothing on top of my normal bill. I have no idea why (not).
My dad would of gone fekin ape if i had done that
Unfortunately the EU wide roaming cap doesn’t apply to ferries. Best to switch roaming off and stand outside if you need a signal. 4G will work for the first/last 30 mins or so.
Another day in Britain and as usual another scam/hoop one has to jump through to avoid being legally robbed.

On an interesting note regarding ferries, the isle of wight ferry now demands that passengers disembark their vehicle and head upstairs to an Orwellian style consumer area where they have recording devices set up with a little note saying that are listening to conversations. Creepy or what .
How about instead of using the phone as a phone, take a nap, play a game, watch the seagulls etc.
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