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Vaccines, many years ago I went to Barbados and needed a typhoid jab (think it was ) before I went and I swear to god they got something wrong and actually gave me typhoid - I was so ill. Since then I have vowed to never travel to a country that I need exotic jabs for.
I am booked in for a jab next week ? Not covid had all that caper

Not flu either

Can’t remember what it’s for ??? Will have to check ?

Went for a routine blood test and the nurse said. Can we book you in for this jab ? I Said may as well
You're old, it could be scabies.
Measles is spreading because people aren't getting vaccinated, simples, and that's chiefly because of the anti vaxxers that have been chipping away at public health messages for decades
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I heard an interview with Jenny Harries NHS and she was saying part of the problem is that since the announcement that the UK achieved measles elimination in 2017 people then stopped having the vax as it was then viewed as no longer needed
I heard an interview with Jenny Harries NHS and she was saying part of the problem is that since the announcement that the UK achieved measles elimination in 2017 people then stopped having the vax as it was then viewed as no longer needed
Looks fairly obvious vaccines are still needed
I am booked in for a jab next week ? Not covid had all that caper Not flu either

Can’t remember what it’s for ??? Will have to check ?

Went for a routine blood test and the nurse said. Can we book you in for this jab ? I Said may as well
Could be pneumonia? although I got offered that with the flu jab when I became eligible.

Other more likely one will be the Shingles (Chickenpox virus) 2-jabs, 6 months apart, vaccine for over 70s and those becoming 65 since September last year. Got mine a week or so ago (no. 1 of 2).

I got Chickenpox as an adult and gave it to my then girlfriend, now wife. Not nice.

I think measles parties were a thing when I were a lad. Though I don't recall going to any.

You're old, it could be scabies.
No vaccine or medicine for scabies prevention exists (yet?) as far as I can tell via Google.
Now we have an epedemic (?) of measles here now

Who is causing this ? Is it un vaccinated foreigners ?

The UK was declared as being measles free a few years ago. By all accounts you need a 90% vaccination rate to protect the rest of the population.

Do you really think that illegals account for 10% of the population?

I think it is more likely that during covid, people backed off and that that the social media paranoia about vaccines in general contributed to the drop off.

My sister lost hearing in one of her ears because of measles when she was younger.

IMO, any parent that is not willing to vaccinate their child is irresponsible.
It's the unvaccinated British people going on holiday, contracting the illness and bringing it back to UK.

Bujt of course typical right-wingers will blame the immigrants. :rolleyes:
Be fair guv. No illnesses existed in Blighty until the windrush- and the great plague was a WEF conspiracy....
The decline in the uptake of the Measles vaccine, stems from the time of Covid.

The Covid vaccine, it's rushed release, botched production, criminal mandating, (i could go on and on) has murdered public faith in the industry, the science (or lack off) and the entire principle of vaccination utterly.

The law of unintended consequences is a ****er.

The anti-vaxers bang on about the mRNA vaccines. The first vaccine approved in the UK was the astra zenica jab. It was not mRNA based. Nevertheless the chuft wits insisted that all vaccines were gene altering.

At which point do people realise that what they read on social media is BS?
I heard an interview with Jenny Harries NHS and she was saying part of the problem is that since the announcement that the UK achieved measles elimination in 2017 people then stopped having the vax as it was then viewed as no longer needed

I heard something similar on radio 4. People hear that it has disappeared and stupidly think it can no longer exist.
Shingles, I always get that confused.

"The shingles vaccine helps protect against shingles. It's recommended for people at higher risk from shingles, including all adults turning 65, those aged 70 to 79 and those aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system."

They also do a pneumonia vaccine, I think I had it with the flu jab once, as I've had pneumonia and have a rattly lung. It also protects agsinst meningitis and sepsis, so all good.
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