Looking for a new job

15 Nov 2005
Reaction score
Cook Islands

Headhunter: Your CV is blank since June 2016.

May: They told me to only include the good stuff.

Headhunter: But you have been working in a senior role?

May: Absolutely.

Headhunter: A leadership position?

May: I wouldn’t go that far.

Headhunter: In government?

May: Again, that’s an overstatement.

Headhunter: That’s how LinkedIn works, I’m afraid. So tell me: when you were in this senior government position, did you ever think of what you might do otherwise?

May: Excuse me?

Headhunter: Like a plan B?

May: Oh, if I’d had one of those, I wouldn’t be here.

Headhunter: Not to worry. The good news is that we’ve got a lot of senior executive positions coming up in EU regulation.

May: What do they involve?

Headhunter: It’s mostly complaining about how terrible European laws are, and then accepting them anyway. Any relevant experience?

May: A little.

Headhunter: So you know people in Brussels?

May: We’ve had a few late nights.

Headhunter: I like your style.

May: They didn’t.

Headhunter: Understood. A lot of these tech businesses are headquartered in Dublin anyway.

May: Sorry, Dublin?

Headhunter: Theresa, you’ve gone white.

May: Are there any other options?

Headhunter: Absolutely, lots of corporate directorships. Very attractive salaries. Global perspectives.

May: I could definitely crack down on them.

Headhunter: Ah, no, we’d want you to take one. “Theresa May, non-executive.” A lot of the prestige, but not much of the actual power.

May: Sounds familiar.

Headhunter: And you’d travel a lot.You’d be practically a citizen of nowhere

May: Again, sounds familiar.

Headhunter: Perfect! We’d just need a few examples of you being responsive to business concerns.

May: I’m sorry?

Headhunter: Basic stuff — foreseeing risks, engaging constructively, sticking to deadlines.

May: I mean, erm, of course.

Headhunter: Do any examples spring to mind?

May: No.

Headhunter: Fine, we can come back to that. Tell me about you. How do you like to be managed?

May: I don’t.

Headhunter: A woman after my own heart! What would you say are your weaknesses?

May: My colleagues.

Headhunter: Oh, very good — I knew there was a sense of humour in there somewhere! And your strengths?

May: Trying to keep the Conservative party united.

Headhunter: No, we’ve done weaknesses.
Are there any instances where you’ve used your communication skills to good effect?

May: Why would I tell you if there were?

Headhunter: Interesting. Moving on. Tell me about a time when you had a disagreement at work, and how you handled it.

May: How long have you got?

Headhunter: That’s what I like to hear! I can see why your current employers will try hard to keep you.
I mean, they’ll surely be sad to see you go?

May: [Light cough]

Headhunter: I presume they’ll want you to serve out your notice at least?

May: [Heavy cough]

Headhunter: I understand. Relax. I got George Osborne eight jobs. I’m sure I can find you at least one.

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