Job titles

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Here's a good one.

"Retail Stores Project Team Manager"

Any idea what they do?

No, me neither. All I know is the company I work for has several of them, and its something to do with IT.

There was a time they'd be called

"IT <insert actual description of job here>"

Pointless job titles, anyone?
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There used to be a Civil Service grade of 'Senior Chief Clerical Officer'. No one could work out where they stood in the pecking order though.

One of the senior grades was 'Assistant Secretary' even though it sounds more like someone who should be making the typist's tea. ;)
'Senior Chief Clerical Officer' That would be an over promoted Brown no doubt... ?
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Environmental Health Technician.

(Binmans job advertised in the local paper last year).
Special Clinic Physician`s Clerical Assistant.................

Pox Doctor`s Clerk
I know it's old... but my favourite has always been...

Vision Enhancement Technician.........

Window Cleaner.
Employment Philosopher

(Title awarded to himself by a colleague of my wife's. No one had a clue what it meant - including the philosopher, I suspect. I think he's really a personnel officer....)
I Just dug my contract out.

I'm a "Data systems executive & IT Coordinator" apparently :LOL:

In reality i'm an IT Manager, just the company I work for seem reluctant to give anyone a managerial title. :rolleyes:
Rotating machinery analyst and corrective action technician.

(Armature winder). :LOL: :LOL:
I know a guy who when asked what his job was would say "I provide interest free loans to tuppenny hapenny toffs" he was a plumber by trade lol but had obviously encountered alot of slow payers
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