Jacob Rees Mogg is deleting tweets referencing a bad brexit deal

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

After claiming Theresa May's Brexit deal was bad, Jacob Rees-Mogg made a surprising u-turn when Boris Johnson managed to rehash a version of the document.

Such gems to be removed from his Twitter account include: "People did not vote for a deal. They voted to Leave. #CleanBrexit", "releasing ourselves from the failed EU economic project is a real economic boom. #CleanBrexit" and "no deal is still better than a bad deal."

Rees-Mogg has also recently removed tweets surrounding "Project Fear" - notably the "collapse" of it in relation to delays at Calais.

What you will get is a fig leaf thrown towards an immigration policy which will quickly be watered down just as your worker rights go up in flames.

So you will have less freedoms, the same amount of immigration, less rights and your kids will love you for it.

Taking back control. :LOL:
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Part of their master plan to save the NHS is to recruit nurses from Asia to replace all those experienced and hard working EU ones that are leaving.

I wonder how that plan is going.
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Like changing one's username, deleting embarrassing posts (whether that be one's own, or others that embarrass), keeping one's profile hidden.....

They who cast the first stone and all that.....
'Tis nothing new as far as the nasty party is concerned...

Tories ‘deleted 10 years of speeches and press releases from party website’

"The Conservatives have been accused of trying to erase from the internet 10 years of speeches, press releases and announcements the party made when it was trying to win power from Labour."

"All evidence of the party’s promises and commitments made between 2000 and 2010 have disappeared from the Tories’ website."

"Among the speeches no longer available are those in which David Cameron and George Osborne pledged not to re-organise the NHS, to support Labour spending plans if they won power and ironically to ensure “near-total transparency of the political and governing elite”
False equivalence is strong in this one. A politician vs anyonymous users on a forum.

Ryler's buddies, the anti-Europeans, have been grumbling for 45 years.
Ryler's buddies, the anti-Europeans, have been grumbling for 45 years.

Er no

I Have not been grumbling at all

I was asked to take part in a Democratic vote
And I did tis as simple as that

It just so happened to. Be for. The side that won the vote
transam. Gives not a jot about this caper :LOL:
Any way I quite like that smogg bloke

Bit of a buffoon Granted but a likeable buffoon
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