
masona said:
Dixon's has written it into the warranty agreement providing you return it within 7 days, maybe a selling point !
It even tell you on the till receipt as well !

Yes, but it was different 4 years ago! :D

you can't get Cannel 5 'cos it intereferes with the French stations

Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me! :D Have you ever watched French telly? Boring as heck. Every time I go there I decide "No, I won't watch the English channels in the hotel, I will watch French TV." Everytime I wonder why I bother. You would not believe what passes for comedy out there... even French people I have spoken to hate French TV! :LOL:

I remember as a small boy, we would still be listening to Radio One quite a way into France as they didn't seem to have many (if any) FM stations then. I swear they must be pointing their transmitters across the English Channel sometimes, I remember one summer where a French station was drowning out an English station... in Surrey! :rolleyes:
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The last time I was there on holiday, one August, and the weather turned bad we watched some TV in the evening. Every night they had their equivalent of "It's a Knockout" on for about 3 hours. It was then that we found the wine cellar....

Anyway, if you want to find out whether you can pick up digital TV and what aerial you need you can have a trawl round here Look under Reception Predictors and enter your post code.
That reception predictor thing is okay, but it is a little inaccurate in places. For example, if I ask if for 'local' transmitters, it includes Teesside TV (doesn't do that for the next most southernly street), and Pontop Pike. But the former cannot be received at all here, and the latter isn't watchable even with an amplified aerial, one would probably need a special array to receive it with a good picture(would be classified as distant).

Yet it also suggests an amplified extra-high gain be used for Emley Moor, which works fine for some with a standard aerial, including us, although I would probably reccomend an extra high gain for the best reception.

Most of the times it is accurate for reccomendation purposes. I would say its reccomendation of a log periodic for Bilsdale is about right.

Any reception boff probably knows more or less where I live now, however.
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I used to live just off Oxford Street in London, at the Marble Arch end (name dropper, moi? :LOL: ). I found that the analogue reception was terrible due to a few tall buildings around me. I would get really bad ghosting. Then I switched to digital and the picture, even with a portable aerial + signal booster, was glitch free. Apparently it is quite resistant to multipath so it doesn't have much of a problem in areas where you get a "ghosted" TV picture.
AdamW said:
I used to live just off Oxford Street in London, at the Marble Arch end (name dropper, moi? :LOL: ). I found that the analogue reception was terrible due to a few tall buildings around me. I would get really bad ghosting. Then I switched to digital and the picture, even with a portable aerial + signal booster, was glitch free. Apparently it is quite resistant to multipath so it doesn't have much of a problem in areas where you get a "ghosted" TV picture.
Doesn't it get a bit draughty lying in the entrance to Marble Arch Underground :LOL:
Damnit, I didn't sleep in the Marble Arch underground entrance!

They don't open it until 6am... :rolleyes: