Do you enjoy driving?

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17 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Just something i've been thinking about, it would seem that I'm in a bit of a minority amongst people my age (sub 25) in that I don't actually enjoy driving a lot of the time and consider it a bit of a chore to be quite honest.

Perhaps its because I find that judging speed and distance doesn't come naturally for me and I find it quite taxing mentally to do so :confused:

or perhaps it becomes mentally tiring because its physically tiring (alright, I'm a big guy and I drive a samll car, and its not always comfortable!)

So anyone else here not really enjoy driving?
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Sorry Adam, but I do!

I do 12K pa business miles & about the same again privately.

Some aspects of driving annoy me, but generally, I enjoy it.
I don't enjoy it either I'm afraid. Sitting in traffic queues and lights and having to deal with idiots on the road is not my idea of fun.:rolleyes:

Beats walking though!
Especially hate driving on unfamilr roads with junctions that have too many lanes, I can never work out how you are actually meant to work out which is the one you need before get in one and find its the wrong one (or worse, find out it ends halfway around the roundabout!)
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I'm a bit of a petrolhead and love my motors and driving. Agreed though I do hate it when i'm stuck in traffic for ages or i'm stuck behind old people doing 25 in a 30, I just keep my distance and let them get on with it, no point in getting agitated.

If its a fine crisp morning, I'll take the country route to work, national speed limit, little traffic and an enjoyable trip :cool:


The red route is the normal traffic busting route and the yellow route is my country route. Takes longer, uses more fuel, but hey, I'm in a good mood when I get to work :oops:
I enjoy motorway driving - because theres no hurry, you can go whatever speed you like (within reason) and theres nobody behind you wanting you to go faster.

However i do not enjoy my current route to/from work. 2 speed cameras (at which everyone else wants to go 10mph below the limit - WHY?) The route is through a pretty rough area too, so you get morons in clapped out vans 2 inches from the back bumper (and they have no front bumper to damage :eek: ) and complete tossers crawling on at 30 in a 40 zone, then when it changes to 50 and a dual carriageway, go to overtake and they end up doing 60 and you have to do 70 to pass them! :evil:

Oh, and theres roadworks too at the moment, one lane closed for half a mile. :evil: :evil: :evil:
The red route is the normal traffic busting route and the yellow route is my country route. Takes longer, uses more fuel, but hey, I'm in a good mood when I get to work :oops:

What about your carbon footprint?
Steve wrote:
I enjoy motorway driving - because theres no hurry, you can go whatever speed you like (within reason) and theres nobody behind you wanting you to go faster.

Either ...

1. You drive like a Wing Commander trying to achieve take off velocity.


2. You use different motorways than me.

Because ...

No matter how fast I drive (and I ain't slow) there is always some fruit loop hanging off my bumper, flashing her lights trying to get past. :LOL:

Do people who work in pencil factories leave carbon footprints?
arent they what you used to leave on the gym floor at school if you wore cheap black soled plimsoles?
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