DIY social workers...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
It seems that some tradesmen may become 'de facto social workers'..


And a whole 4 hours training too...

Tradesmen working for local authorities are to be asked to report signs of child abuse and neglect as they visit the homes of council tenants.
The plumbers, electricians and carpenters will be issued with a checklist of signs to look out for, including ‘unexplained bruising’ and ‘scalds’. Training will last just half a day....

'All public bodies have a duty under the Children Act to take responsibility to spot signs of child abuse. It creates a duty for key agencies, including district councils, to put in place arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people when discharging their functions through their daily work or that of sub-contractors.

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If you believe this to be true:

'All public bodies have a duty under the Children Act to take responsibility to spot signs of child abuse. It creates a duty for key agencies, including district councils, to put in place arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people when discharging their functions through their daily work or that of sub-contractors.

...then what action could councils take that wouldn't lead to this reaction:

Guess what softy...

Tradesmen with 4 hours training isn't exactly protecting children is it!

But of course the case load will be increased by yet another group who don't want to 'get it wrong', thus leading to genuine cases being swallowed in a sea of 'data'..

Why is it that currently we have everything done 'on the cheap'?
Tradesmen with 4 hours training isn't exactly protecting children is it!
You seem to be suggesting that zero hours of training would be preferable.

But of course the case load will be increased by yet another group who don't want to 'get it wrong', thus leading to genuine cases being swallowed in a sea of 'data'.
You say "of course", but that's merely your subjective view, not the view of everyone.

A corollary is that the police would find it much harder to their job if nobody reported suspicious and potential criminal activities. False positives are handled by the system, and if they aren't then the system is faulty, in the same way that a system that produces too many false negatives is faulty.

Why is it that currently we have everything done 'on the cheap'?
Perhaps it's because many people are witless and cynical armchair anarchists, with no more ability to understand the difficulties facing those with a statutory public duty of care than they are able to use a keyboard and raise issues of concern with their MP, preferring instead to whine on an Internet forum.
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You seem to be suggesting that zero hours of training would be preferable.
Where do you get that from softy?..

A corollary is that the police would find it much harder to their job if nobody reported suspicious and potential criminal activities. False positives are handled by the system, and if they aren't then the system is faulty, in the same way that a system that produces too many false negatives is faulty.'s the system that IS faulty, softy!

Perhaps it's because many people are witless and cynical armchair anarchists...

preferring instead to whine on an Internet forum.
How nice of you to describe yourself so aptly, softy... ;)
You seem to be suggesting that zero hours of training would be preferable.
Where do you get that from?
You asked me to guess, so I made my best guess at your reason for not answering the question I asked, viz:

...then what action could councils take that wouldn't lead to this reaction:


A corollary is that the police would find it much harder to their job if nobody reported suspicious and potential criminal activities. False positives are handled by the system, and if they aren't then the system is faulty, in the same way that a system that produces too many false negatives is faulty.'s the system that IS faulty!
Clearly, given the context of my statement, I was referring to the system that handles false positives.

I don't know which system you're talking about, but I very much doubt that it's the same one I am.

If it is, then we're in agreement, in which case there's nothing wrong with creating false positives, and the correct remedy is to improve the system, not to reduce the number of reports.

Perhaps it's because many people are witless and cynical armchair anarchists...preferring instead to whine on an Internet forum.
How nice of you to describe yourself so aptly
Clearly you're just goading, and in a particularly childish way, but FYI the action I take is to write to my MP about laws and situations that I believe to be wrong. I'm also in frequent contact with my local district councillor.

The people who take no similar action are those whom I describe as whining.

FYI, if you're unable to discuss the topic without making such comments, then I have no interest in continuing this debate with you.
You asked me to guess, so I made my best guess at your reason for not answering the question I asked, viz:
I didn't ask you to guess - I asked you where you got that assumption from, and you came up with a non-answer!

Clearly, given the context of my statement, I was referring to the system that handles false positives.

I don't know which system you're talking about, but I very much doubt that it's the same one I am.
probably, since the system I talk about operates in the real world, and yours is in cloud cuckoo land... ;)

Clearly you're just goading, and in a particularly childish way
I learn from the best... ;)

but FYI the action I take is to write to my MP about laws and situations that I believe to be wrong. I'm also in frequent contact with my local district councillor.

The people who take no similar action are those whom I describe as whining.
Guess what softy - many do the same...just because someone posts on a forum doesn't exclude them from other actions does it!

FYI, if you're unable to discuss the topic without making such comments, then I have no interest in continuing this debate with you.
Pot, kettle & black... ;)

You just don't like it when the tables are turned do you.. :LOL:
Anyone reading your posts on this topic can easily see that you're not interested in debating the merits, or otherwise, of the proposed training of council workers.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because I'm completely bored by your persistent refusal to have a reasoned debate and to repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, attempt to turn it into a point-scoring exercise.

If you think you've won an argument by doing this, then I truly pity you. Maybe you'll change, but for now it's in everyone's interests if I simply stop responding to your posts, and let you have the last word. So go ahead and do whatever you feel is right, or fair, or just plain fun.
Anyone reading your posts on this topic can easily see that you're not interested in debating the merits, or otherwise, of the proposed training of council workers.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because I'm completely bored by your persistent refusal to have a reasoned debate and to repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, attempt to turn it into a point-scoring exercise.

If you think you've won an argument by doing this, then I truly pity you. Maybe you'll change, but for now it's in everyone's interests if I simply stop responding to your posts, and let you have the last word. So go ahead and do whatever you feel is right, or fair, or just plain fun.

Thats got to be up there with the bestist post I`ve read in ages the stage surely beckons Softus :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Anyone reading your posts on this topic can easily see that you're not interested in debating the merits, or otherwise, of the proposed training of council workers.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because I'm completely bored by your persistent refusal to have a reasoned debate and to repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, attempt to turn it into a point-scoring exercise.

If you think you've won an argument by doing this, then I truly pity you. Maybe you'll change, but for now it's in everyone's interests if I simply stop responding to your posts, and let you have the last word. So go ahead and do whatever you feel is right, or fair, or just plain fun.
Unfortunately you can't see that your replies to virtually any topic is an acerbic attack on the OT which then hijacks that topic...I'm happy to debate, and fortunately some can see you for what you are..

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