Companies that fail to resolve valid complaints

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
I've been doing email battle over recent weeks, with both TV Licencing and Iceland foods seeking explanations, and got absolutely nowhere.. Then BG ringing.

TV L decided without my permission or authority, to take their licence fee. There was no warning before they took it from my account, no message to say they had done it, no licence in the post - nothing at all from them. I would not have even known I had paid, except for the my bank statement showing it. This is the second time they have done this, over recent years. I never, ever let annual bills autopay.

I emailed and complained, their reply just complete waffle, with no actual explanation of why they took the amount without permission. My final email to them, requested that they send me a paper copy of the licence. No licence delivered, and no adequate explanation, not even an apology.

I enquired with Iceland, before planning a 1 hour trip on the bus, to one of their outlets in a local town, to ask if we could combine their over 60's 10 discount, with a bulk purchase and free delivery - yes we could they said. Went there, double checked with an assistant on the way in, that they could deliver - told yes they could, but they would have to put it in store until next day, which was fine with us. Got to the till, with full trolley and told they couldn't store, so couldn't deliver after all. We ended up struggling home on the bus, risking it all defrosting. A series of emails swapped with Iceland, failed get any sense out of them at all, other than to risk going to a store, get to the till, then hope they can deliver - or shop online, then they can deliver - but risk them doing substitutions. The question asked, yet never answered - why does a frozen food company, which offers delivery, not have anywhere to store their deliveries?

In the midst of typing this, British Gas rang me, whom I recently left, under a massive cloud. Poor guy, was obviously under orders to ring ex-BG customers, and try to get them to return to BG. He had obviously not done his research on my past account, and the problems and frustration BG had caused me over the months I was with them. There final act, was to settle their massive outstanding bill in one payment, without asking/any warning at all. It was due them, but the bill had gradually built up through their own complete incompetence, rather than any fault of mine. I had provided them with weekly reading of both gas and electric meters, until they got access to the Smart meter readings, yet they still failed to provide any cohesive bills for many, many month, despite numerous attempts by me to get some accurate bills out of them.

On finally escaping BG, Octopus immediately picked up the reading from my meters, immediately began sending proper bills, and without being asked, provided me with dead accurate, updated bills each week. What chance would this poor guy, have of persuading me to go back to the complete chaos of BG?
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You can cancel the TV license and get a refund.

At some point you must have authorised them to take the fee.
You can cancel the TV license and get a refund.

At some point you must have authorised them to take the fee.

Nope, I make a point of always doing it manually, and insisting on a paper copy of the licence. This time - nothing at all, no email confirmation, no paper copy - they just took the money and ran..
Was it on a direct debit? They don't provide paper licences anymore as far as I know.

Octopus can have their moments too, asked me to up my direct debit as by their calculations by next May I would owe them £1.99. I told them not to worry as if I did indeed owe them £1.99 I would pay it in one go.
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Was it on a direct debit? They don't provide paper licences anymore as far as I know.

Yep, DD. They provided a paper licence last year, I still have it, but as said - I have asked them twice for the paper copy this time, and they have neither provided one, nor said they don't send them.

Octopus can have their moments too, asked me to up my direct debit as by their calculations by next May I would owe them £1.99. I told them not to worry as if I did indeed owe them £1.99 I would pay it in one go.

Better than BG then - who don't ask, they simply tell you (sometimes) what they are doing and tough if you are not happy..

Octopus has been absolutely exceptional so far, cannot fault them in the slightest.
Are you saying you do t need a tv licence or that you are miffed they saved you the bother of paying manually ?
Are you saying you do t need a tv licence or that you are miffed they saved you the bother of paying manually ?

I do need a TV Licence, but I'm miffed that they took the payment out of my account, without my permission, without any pre-warning, and without letting me know they have taken it.

Basically, the account they took it from is an account set up to meet the regular monthly bills, regularly topped up to meet those bills. I don't keep much slack in the account, I don't need to. Whilst I do pay the annual bills out of the account, I do so manually and know to transfer more funds into the account to meet those extras. They, just helping themselves, could have easily caused my monthly bills to bounce.
Sounds like you're short of things to worry about to me.

Also you're trying to make the world work your unique way, instead of just accepting that this is how the world works and dealing with it.

The entire point of direct debits is that they're automatic.

These are not intended to be insults, but constructive obervations. Just keep more money in the account.
The entire point of direct debits is that they're automatic.

There was no direct debit set up. I paid them manually last year, the year before that, and the year before that one - this year they somehow managed to set up a direct debit from the same account. Would you be happy about a company helping themselves to money in your bank account, without your approval? As I said, second time over recent years they have done this..
There was no direct debit set up. I paid them manually last year, the year before that, and the year before that one - this year they somehow managed to set up a direct debit from the same account. Would you be happy about a company helping themselves to money in your bank account, without your approval? As I said, second time over recent years they have done this..

According to the above, you must have set it up.
As said, check with your bank. They will have a record of all DDs. There should be a signed (by you) and dated mandate for the TVL one.
BG Computer picks hundreds of ex customers and starts ringing them randomly the person on the phone at BG hasnt got a scooby who the computer is phoning so absolutely no way of the operator doing any research into why the person has actually left . The computer cuts off after x amount of rings or it recognizes that an answer machine has kicked in . Once it recognizes someone has actually answered it connects the operator and as they go through the spiel of good morning/ afternoon the customers details then appear on screen
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