Bought car, can’t tax it

17 Apr 2015
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United Kingdom
Can’t really believe I’ve managed to get myself into this situation given the number of cars I’ve bought over the years and I should know better, but…
Bought a lovely new car earlier, from carsa (dealer chain). Towards the end, get told they haven’t got the v5, and they give me a v62 instead, which they fill out and tell me to take to post office to tax it.
Post office is obviously closed when I get there being Good Friday. I cracked on and drove it home anyway, and tried my local PO which was also closed.

I’ve done a bit of googling on this, and I fear even when the post office opens tomorrow, they’ll not be happy/able to tax the car based just on the v62. There seems to be conflicting views on this from what I’ve read, and I’ve already contacted the garage again about it, saying this needs sorting asap.

I’m just trying to preempt the post office not being able to tax it tomorrow and trying to avoid having the car sat on the drive for 6 weeks waiting for a new v5, as that’d be a real nightmare.

If anyone’s got any experience in this any advice much appreciated, and yes I know they should have given me the v5/I should have insisted on it. It’s a 3 year old ex-lease car, not SORN, and the tax expired sometime mid-feb.
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If I'm reading this correctly, you can't:

- get a V5 online, nor
- tax your car, as

detail(s) will have to change on the V5 (change of registered keeper).

The above facility appears to be for someone who has misplaced their V5, and just needs a duplicate.
Yep, that’s the situation I think. I’ll try the post office in the morning but I’m not too hopeful!
ask them for a courtesy car and leave your car at the dealer till its sorted??
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Are you taxing it from 1st April, or to include all of March too?
From whichever day I manage to get it done presumably. All I’m bothered about is being able to tax and drive it :cry:

Spoke to garage again just now who once again told me I’ll have no issues taxing it using a v62. I’ll see in the morning…. But I have my doubts
"You can get a duplicate vehicle log book (V5C) online if you do not need to change anything in the log book. You’ll be able to tax your vehicle at the same time if you need to. If you need to make any changes or you’re not yet registered as the vehicle’s keeper, you must make an application by post using form V62".
The above facility appears to be for someone who has misplaced their V5, and just needs a duplicate.
Had to do this for my elderly neighbour recently, can be done on-line but you will need to quote both reg # & VIN #
DVLA charge £25 & the new document will arrive in less than a week.

Note to all :
Be aware that the DVLA is now enforcing the 'continuous insurance' ruling that came into force some years ago.
Basically if a vehicle is registered it must be insured or on SORN, even if it is on private property.
Two of my neighbours have received notification to that effect, giving the owner 28 days to comply or face prosecution. Both cars are not being used & kept on private driveways.
"You can get a duplicate vehicle log book (V5C) online if you do not need to change anything in the log book. You’ll be able to tax your vehicle at the same time if you need to. If you need to make any changes or you’re not yet registered as the vehicle’s keeper, you must make an application by post using form V62".
Yep, to me that means the car will be on my drive for weeks until a new v5 comes through. Not happy about that and will speak to dealer.
Me thinks the dealer is taking you for ride...

They should have link to Swansea for registration and car tax purposes. If they haven't then how good a dealer are they? They shouldn't have let you drive the car off the forecourt until they had registered it in your name and taxed it.

From Google -
Can a dealer sell a car without road tax?

Technically, no. But you cannot drive a vehicle without road tax, so the buyer will not be able to use it until they tax the vehicle on their end. At the time of sale, the buyer must tax the vehicle to be able to drive it. Failing to do this can lead to fines and other penalties.

there is more Q&A here
Yep, to me that means the car will be on my drive for weeks until a new v5 comes through. Not happy about that and will speak to dealer.
You can save money by SORNing it until you are able to tax it.

I did that last time I sold car. Buyer bought it 1st June and I didn't have to pay for June as well.
You can save money by SORNing it until you are able to tax it.
And how would he do that with no paperwork? Could I SORN your car with just your registration number?

Apply online
You can apply online if the vehicle is registered in your name.

Start when you’re ready to take your vehicle off the road.

You can apply using the:

11-digit number in your vehicle log book (V5C)
16-digit reference number on your vehicle tax reminder
Your vehicle tax reminder can be a letter (V11), email or text message.
Had to do this for my elderly neighbour recently, can be done on-line but you will need to quote both reg # & VIN #
DVLA charge £25 & the new document will arrive in less than a week.

Note to all :
Be aware that the DVLA is now enforcing the 'continuous insurance' ruling that came into force some years ago.
Basically if a vehicle is registered it must be insured or on SORN, even if it is on private property.
Two of my neighbours have received notification to that effect, giving the owner 28 days to comply or face prosecution. Both cars are not being used & kept on private driveways.
Yes, I got done to the sound of £50 for having forgotten to sorn my car.
You pay road tax although you have the car off road and they fine you for it.
Thanks dvla!
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