Are you a badge snob?

We've got a great one near me: they are building a bypass because there are too many cars going on little roads through residential areas, trying to get on the A1. But the approved route actually bypasses an uninhabited country lane, then rejoins the road right where the residential area starts... The only building it bypasses is a pub!

Well, this is what the local newsletters have me believe. Personally I can't picture anyone being THAT dumb!
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Adam If you go out with a girl from the Smoke, explain that you will go dutch with her, then she won't be under any illusions about your wallet!

Another of my pet motoring hates is people who park in Disabled spots if they're not, or Parent & Child spaces without kids. I once argued with a fit 25 y.o. bloke when he parked in a disabled space - the usual excuses (I've left my card at home -right! I've hurt my foot - Oh diddums! I'm only going to be a short while - So what if a Disabled driver turns up while you're away?)

Makes me absolutely mad!

There was once some research done that concluded that people who park in disabled spaces have more often than not been convicted of some criminal offence or other.

My own solution to someone who insisted on parking in a Family space next to a trolley park was to park across him and the trolley park.

The conversation went:

Me: would you mind giving up your space for me? I've got three kids in the car? (mine + another)

Bloke: I'll park where I f*cking like. P*ss Off!!

Me: Well, seeing as you're parking really selfishly, you won't mind if I do the same, will you?

Bloke: What?

Me: (Blocks him in) See you later, mate!

1 1/2 hours later, I returned to find him fuming. Oh, the joy!

Warning: You have to be brave to do this. Some people get really nasty. I had an old car and didn't care if he scratched it, but figured he would have to wait for me to return before he could get his car out, so banked on the fact that he wouldn't scratch it, then hang around.
securespark said:
Another of my pet motoring hates is people who park in Disabled spots if they're not,

I have this uncontrollable habit of looking at cars that are parked in disabled spaces, and most of them don't have badges. So I get really angry and fume about it, and give nasty looks at the able-bodied people who park in them. Doesn't do me any good!

Perhaps if they introduced a system like those radar keys for disabled toilets? They could have tyre spikes or retracting bollards that only go down if you have a smart card disabled badge.

I saw a classic one once. I worked in this DIY shop on a busy high street. One day, a disabled woman came into the shop and started explaining the job she was planning and asking what she needed. 10 seconds later, all this beeping started outside. She carried on, telling me which bits and bobs she would like to buy. After a few minutes of this I glanced to the side, where the street-facing window was, and saw what was causing the hold-up... Now, this lady was firmly of the belief that because she carried a disabled badge, she was allowed to park WHEREVER she wanted... so she did... right in the middle of the traffic-calming chicane. So the whole high-street was ground to a hault!!! :LOL: Best bit was, after a bit longer, she went outside, told all the other drivers to p*ss off!
Saddest of all ?

People with a badge who are patently not disabled .... City near me is awash with them .... mostly expensive motors too !!

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But it's not sad, pip, they're taking the liquid waste product expelled thro' the bladder.

It's the fact that they are SO selfish - they have no thought for anyone but themselves and that is really bad.
to comment on the disabled parking theme.i've got 5yr old twins but one has cerebal palsy,not severe just needs help walking far,so when we go to asda's we naturally try to get in the mother/toddler parking bay but f*** me theres normally a transit van/big jag/big bmw all with no kids seats in :mad:
the worse thing is the government pay for our car tax because of my sons condition but we feel too self consciene as he can walk but not very well.
the thing that really p***** me off is mr 17 yr old dickhead in his nova/corsa that jumps out with his mates & when you say anything you just get verbal abuse.why don't they say anything when i hav'nt got my wife & kids with me?
alley + dark spring to mind ;)
Here here.

Some supermarkets have started to issue parent & child parking discs.

They should also send out a baseball bat to deter those without young offspring from using those spaces...........
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
why don't they say anything when i hav'nt got my wife & kids with me?
alley + dark spring to mind ;)

I dunno, that doesn't deter some people. I got cut up on Thursday by some ponce in a hairdresser's 4x4. He didn't check the roundabout and pulled out right under my nose. Despite the emergency braking I still ended up pretty close. I tooted him (really was just a toot) and due to his driving slowly I went past him where the road went into two lanes. Then at the next roundabout he starts swearing at me! I sat there, bemused that a man can sit in front of who I presume were his wife and kids, spouting off at me for something he did. He misinterpreted my bemused expression as a desire for a fight and got out of his tart-car! What can you do in that situation other than laugh, shake your head and drive off.

It wasn't worth a punch-up, but I felt annoyed afterwards when I realised he would probably tell the story as some idiot was giving him evils so he challenged him but the other guy was a wuss. :evil:

So if anyone has the same experience of a scrawny bald man of restricted stature climbing down from a girl-car spoiling for a fight, tell him that I could have him anyday, and whatsmore, my mum could beat up his mum. :LOL:

In terms of the parking, perhaps next time you see an obviously able-bodied but inconsiderate driver leaving his car in a disabled spot, howsabout keying a big disabled badge into each door? Subtle :LOL:
about 3 yrs ago i was travelling along the road with my family,well within the speed limit & this t*ss*r in a 'd' reg xr2 pulled out in front of me,as i could'nt stop to avoid a collision in time i overtook him,he went mental,driving so close up my arse i could'nt see his no. plate.
this went on for a few miles with mr pondlife giving me the "5 finger shuffle sign"& shouting w*****.
by that time i'd had enough & decided to stop,so i indicated & stopped (apparently a bit too quick :LOL: )
ford v renault laguna =]steam/broken lights/bent bonnet/bumper awol etcc....
mr t*ss*r jumps out & declares "your a f****** idiot mate"
i reply "who's the f****** w******* now then"
"if you did'nt have your kids with you i'd smack you" (the renault + family were fine just a scuff on the rear bumper,but when the red mist appeared i couldn't help myself,immature,but no one was hurt)
i said lets have your insurence details then-----silence----shall we call it knock-for-knock then as you must have been travelliny tooooo close to see brake lights & stop :D
he was not a happy bunny, but think he will think again before driving like a d*ckh**d.

i do not condone what i did,it was a stupid thing to do but everytime someone tail gates me I just smile & think i know what could happen but i won't.
Just a word of caution. My late brother had a dissabled badge. Had cancer of the aorta. Walking more than about 20 feet totally exhausted him. He was only 40 and showed no outward signs of his dissability except for a rather slow walk.

A typical excursion down the shops would leave him clapped out for the day, (despite getting a prime dissabled parking spot). I remember on a few occasions him getting heckled by passers by about, how he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself, having one of those stickers when there's obviously nothing wrong with him.

There was also a worrying occasion where a bunch of local thugs thought it would be a good idea to follow us around the shopping centre and behave in a threatening manner because they thought he was "taking the ****".

Another where a young mother came up to him and belted him repeatedly with her handbag shouting "what makes you think you should get special treatment when I've got to push a bl**dy push chair around. I don't"

The stress of these situations would physically lay him up for days. In the end he wouldn't park up in a dissabled bay if anyone was around. Toward the end that meant, if after several tours around the block there were people around, he'd simply go home instead.

Don't always judge a book by it's cover. There are plenty of dissabilities that are not obvious to the casual observer. I'm not saying there are not abuses of the system.

If you ever vent your anger on these people. In the event that your suspicions are correct, they won't give a t*ss what you think. In the event that you're wrong you could be causing a genuine case severe greif.
That is terrible that people would do that when there was a disabled badge there.

To me the issue is with people who park in the spaces without a badge.

If someone has a valid reason to park in a disabled zone, they should have seen their doctor and been assessed for a sticker. I have nothing against someone parking in a disabled bay provided they have a sticker: if they appear perfectly able-bodied they might always be there to pick up their disabled friend, immobile grandparent or whatever.

Anyone who has seen "Me, Myself and Irene" knows what I mean! :LOL:
The thing is, there are a lot of abuses of the system. My sister in law (the wife of another brother) has a dissabled mother who has never (and never will) drive. She sees her mother about once a week. (Never takes the old girl out).

The only justification that she can ever have for using the badge, is when she is doing a bit of shopping for the old girl. But the badge is permanently displayed in the windscreen and she uses every concession that it allows her. It's people like her that cause the problems for the deserving cases.

What I would say is, that within the context of a forum such as this, ranting is perfectly acceptable (and to be encouraged). It's just in the real world you need to be a bit more cautious.
I'm with Adam.

I only ever get aggrieved with cars that are not displaying at all - a genuine Disabled driver will always carry the badge.
On the subject of parent and toddler parking spaces at the supermarket. Some while back when my girls were toddlers, Tesco introduced these bays at our supermarket.

Anyhow, spotting these one day with two toddlers in tow, I parked in one. A young couple then parked next to me with no kids. Without being abusive, I pointed out that they shouldn't be parked there as they are for parents with kids. The couple became quite agitated and said, "we have got kids they're at home". They then went to fetch a member of staff.

The member of staff then got ME to move MY motor as I hadn't got one of thier badges. To get one I would have to fill out a form (available from the store) and produce a childs birth certificate! Once you have gone through this process you can park in the space any time you want to.

How fking daft is this scheme. Reserved spaces for anyone that, at some time in the past, produced a birth certificate. I don't know if it still operates this way as I now shop at Asda (cheaper anyway) and my youngest kid is now 21yrs old.
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