A parable about democracy

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The story of Dave and Boris, a parable about democracy.
Tim Boothby
Britney went to the hospital feeling ill. She saw a doctor called Dave. Dave examined Britney and got a second opinion from some other doctors.

Dave wanted to make sure there was a fair process for deciding how to treat Britney so he went out to the waiting room. “Since this is a democracy, I’m going to give everyone a chance to help decide how we treat the patient.” He explained. “I’ve had a chat with my doctor chums and we all agree it’s just a little sniffle and if we tuck her up in bed for a couple of days, she’ll be fine.” Dave was sure everyone would agree with him, after all he was a doctor.

One of the people in the waiting room, a chap called Boris stood up. “Piffle!” He exclaimed. “Look here, I happen to know a thing or two about medicine, Britney clearly needs her leg amputating. What do these experts know, they get it wrong all the time.” In actual fact Boris knew this was a daft idea, but he thought if he could win the argument and make Dave look silly, he might get Dave’s job. He’d always quite fancied the idea of being a doctor.

Anyway, the folks in the waiting room thought long and hard about who was right and finally there was a show of hands. The people agreed with Boris. Dave thought this decision was pretty silly and didn’t want to chop Britney’s leg off. “Right, I’m off, you sort it out Boris.” he muttered, handing over his doctor’s coat and a big knife. Maybe democracy isn’t always the best way of making important decisions, he thought to himself.

A big argument broke out in the waiting room “You don’t know what you are doing, she’ll bleed to death” some said. Others insisted that because it had been a fair and democratic process the outcome had to be respected, besides plenty of people do very well with one leg, think how strong the other leg would become!

Boris sat quietly in the corner, knife in hand wishing he hadn’t lied about his medical knowledge. He felt a little sick as he realised what he’d have to do next. He didn’t want Dave’s job anymore.
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