
  1. A

    Which order to paint walls, skirts and caulk

    I've had some new skirting fitted and I need to caulk the top edge against the wall as some quite wide gaps exposed. My intention is to use clear varnish on the skirting and a white silk emulsion on the walls. Which order do I paint and caulk the walls and skirting. Do I apply the varnish to...
  2. G

    Is This Penetrating Damp? What Would You Do?

    Hi, I'm an inexperienced first time buyer. November moved in to the house to find damp plaster on 1st floor bedroom wall (external). Based on the description below and attached pics, what might be likely causes of the damp, and what repairs should I realistically expect? Are there any specific...
  3. SpaceWorm

    Removing Internal Walls - Is this a Structural Wall

    Right lads, belt up, I am renovating a 1957 brick cavity wall-built bungalow an am planning to remove the wall between the kitchen and lounge as one of my first jobs. I had designed a beam to span the opening on the basis that the ceiling joists coloured pink in the attached plan would be...
  4. D

    Damp wall inside wardrobe cupboard

    We have a no cavity Victorian semi which we have always had a problem with cold outside walls attracting condensation. The inside of the wardrobe cupboard wall facing outside is pretty wet, making clothes damp and leading to mould. Ditto for bedroom wall. Having a log burner installed, warming...
  5. R

    External wall construction - possibly done wrong in a newbuild?

    Dear forum members! I am a complete novice in these matters and would greatly appreciate your help. I have external wall specification for my house listed as such: So I assume that wooden sheathing must be BEHIND the TSW studs. This is confirmed by the Celotex website: However, I've just...
  6. K

    Can I knock this down? Wall under stairs

    Looking for some advice on if it is OK to remove this wall under my stairs. It doesn’t seem to be supporting anything but this is the assessment of two nurses not builders :) I’ve included a picture of our neighbours house who have removed this wall and they have the exact same layout as us...
  7. A

    Fixing a tv to the wall

    Hi everyone. I am trying to fit a tv to the wall and would very much appreciate some help. Upon getting a tv bracket and drilling into what i thought was a solid wall diving our living room and bedroom, the wall isnt a solid wall after all. I have 60mm of some material that is soft, plasteboard...
  8. S

    Half Brick, Half wooden Frame wall

    I noticed in the bedroom dormer in my house that the wall under the window is very cold. I decided to open up a small hole in the plasterboard to check it out. Turns out there was a hole to the outside and a bird had made a nest in the wall. Once I fix that, I want to insulate the wall, so i...
  9. cwhaley

    Alternatives to Dot and Dab

    Hi all, won't be long before I'm plasterboarding my new extension. I was just looking for a few suggestions on the best alternatives to 'dot n dab'. The boards will be going on new blockwork (typical block/insulation/external brickwork). I don't want to use dot n dab. I know its tried and...
  10. M

    Can I demolish this wall that previously housed an old boiler

    I am hoping someone can give me a little more knowledge on if this wall can be removed and be made flush in line with the door. Please see photos attached.
  11. N

    Bricked up gap between walls and roof

    Hello I'm looking for some advice for how to remedy what appears to be a bodge by a previous owner. I have a standalone single story garage which I'll soon be renovating into a workshop (new plasterboard, insulation, flooring...) but I want to be sure the structure is sound and secure before...
  12. Codemunkie

    No stud where I want a stud/partition wall to start

    I am building a stud wall to partition my open plan living room into a living room & hallway. The floor is concrete so I can fix the bottom plate to that and the ceiling joists are running opposite to the new wall so I can also fix the top plate to the joists. On the existing wall, there is no...
  13. S

    Crumbling/spalling brickwork - DIY or hire a pro?

    Hi all, I have some crumbling brickwork on my house (see pictures) that I want to do something about before it worsens and weakens the wall/lets in damp. However, not having any experience of this sort of thing, I've got a few questions: How urgent does the issue look? Is it something that I...
  14. R

    Big and deep hole/cracks above window frame.

    Hi everyone. About to paint our bedroom but there are worrying cracks/ holes above the window that I have been avoiding thinking about until now. I was going to fill them with polyfilla but having had a good look at them, they are worse than I originally thought. Any advice would be welcome...
  15. C

    Wall crack - please help!

    Would be really grateful for any advice on this. So, I moved into a top floor flat in a 1960s flat-roofed block in March. The photos are of a crack in the bedroom. It runs from the window horizontally, along an external wall, then round the corner along the wall with the stairwell. From the...
  16. M

    Wall fix

    Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I've bought a new house and I've found a few issues that I need to sort out. Can anyone recommend how I can fix this? 20210726_131037 by Mountain mj posted 26 Jul 2021 at 4:54 PM 20210726_131041 by Mountain mj posted 26 Jul 2021 at 4:52 PM It looks like...
  17. I

    Repoint now or next year?

    Hi, I was wondering if our wall needs repointing now or could it wait till next year? Any chance serious problems could occur if left? It looks the same as last year and we have had no leaks or damp. It's a cavity wall. I am thinking of getting an extension done next year so it would be...
  18. M

    Are vertical Joints on a 1.5 course run of blocks ok for stud wall

    Hello, Hope the title was catchy enough Basically I purchased this old Barn and he started to level the floors with a run of blocks so he could put up stud wall. I like the idea of splitting finishing his plans, due to the floor being over three levels and not level in any direction he ran...
  19. G

    Round Spots On Wall

    Morning all, I recently moved into a new flat and today I noticed some round spots on my bedroom wall, which I believe was recently painted - some of them are slightly raised (see attached picture). Any idea what they are? Please let me know if you need more info. Thank you!
  20. AlphaRomeo85

    What's the best way of routing this new cable?

    Hi I want to put a external commando socket on an out side wall. Conveniently my consumer unit is located just at the other side of said wall. Please take a look at this picture of my downstairs toilet room, link here of it doesn't work for any reason What's would be considered the best route...