Unreasonable Or Compassionate?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
In the 90s, an 80+ yo gent collided with me after failing to give way.

He left the scene and did not return, as far as I was aware.

I got his plate from a witness and called the police. They went round to the geezer's house and was told that he had returned but I had gone. That was rubbish as I was there quite a long while.

Turned out the bloke had a car insurance policy on a DD and had stopped paying after a month, so they cancelled it.

The police were not willing to proceed with any action as "he's an elderly gent."

I had to write to the DVLA to get his address so I could attempt to get money off him.

I'm hoping when I'm in my 80s, I can ignore the fact that I no longer have a license, go out and have a bit of fun and the police will turn a blind eye.

There's another similar story below.

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Simple economics. No one can make money, so, best to not try. But the old doesn't get away with it scot free. Covid19 made sure of that. Who is to say there will be no XXvid25? Each of the old geezers is worth as much as the price of a death certificate.
Did you get the money, don't the MIB cover for uninsured drivers?

Yes, I had to go down the MIB route, but it was long and tortuous and I didn't get all my losses reinstated.
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Another example of the police not doing their duty.
Looking at their 'activities' in London three weeks ago, was the copper involved in the Met?!