Spell Check

4 Oct 2012
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East Renfrewshire
United Kingdom
Do me a favour but is it just Plumbing or do the other forums use an American English spell check too?? Really annoying when I know I've spelt something in correct English just for the spell check to try and bastardise what I've written!!

Even this paragraph has 3 mistakes according to the spell check - favour shouldn't have a u - Spelt doesn't exist as a word & bastardise wants a Z instead of an S ...... really annoying :mad:

Come on site owners, it's a UK site with a large majority of UK contributers using a American Eng dictionary?? Sort it oot min!! :sneaky:
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Lol ... yup .... seems you're right ... 1st time in 4 years I've been here so shouldn't expect any more (y)
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I'm in the US and just checked the words you mentioned in a couple of the forums (yes, I'm bored!) and the correct English spellings are fine for me but, if I try the American spellings, they are underlined as errors. It could be your browser that is doing it and not the site, but I don't know for sure.
Appreciate what you are saying MH and just checked my settings. I know that I am spelling correctly in UK English but the site is then trying to change it to US English. It may be a browser issue but that doesn't contain the spell check, the site does and my preferences are all set to UK. There is no other area that I can change to specify my language settings but hey ho, thanx anyway.