Sodding Plusnet and Thunderbird

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Have Webmail with Plusnet. I have to access my domain-based emails using PN Webmail so I can delete them, otherwise senders get the mailbox full message and I get no emails.

Keep having massive issues emptying it.

When I try to delete stuff I regularly get error messages.

Plusnet admit their webmail software is archaic and needs updating, but that it won't be done for years.

After hours of fannying around, I have access again (ie have deleted enough emails to allow traffic to flow again).

But now Thunderbird are disappearing the emails. They arrive for a brief second on the screen on my PC then disappear. Despite looking everywhere, they are not in another folder, but they do show up in SENT ITEMS.

They also arrive unscathed on my Android device in the GMail app.

Please, WTF is going on???
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I get trouble with my old Yahoo-based accounts and found transitioning to Google accounts the way to go.
I'm also surprised to see the word Thunderbird too, like Firefox I thought the two were dying a death.
It's not easy moving email correspondence from one ISP to another, but in my situation was worth it.
Good luck with it.
Thank you, CW.

I only use PN Webmail to clear out the server.

The funny thing is, I can see all my emails on my smartphone in the GMail app. So it's obviously something to do with Thunderbird. Maybe I will try GMail on the PC and see if that works.

Many thanks for your help.

Sort of related:

I have had much trouble with Plusnet email recently (partly to do with the outage) and am thinking of leaving.

Asked Plusnet to cover the cancellation fee as their service was unreliable and they basically said $od off.

They also said they wouldn't pay compo for the recent email outage as that service was provided FOC.

Sounds odd as, if you offered a customer a free gift as part of a sale, you wouldn't say there was no guarantee on it.

Also, as I said above, I have my domain-based email hosted by PN (again FOC). Can that be transferred to the new ISP?
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Who owns the domain ? you or plusnet, you used to be able to see the owner/administrator, BUT with GDPR not sure how that works now - is it a UK domain so Nominet will be the body who may provide the owner info
was it one of the free domains which moved to Plusnet (part of BT) via other services (freenetnames, then to madasafish ) I setup a lot of free domains and they all moved over to plusnet.
But also I setup the owners on thunderbird to access them with no issues , on windows and on OSX
Unfortunately , i cannot check as most moved over to either Gmail or Outlook free email or passed away, They decided to leave plusnut as the broadband service was very poor and they wanted to get out of plusnet.
noone was interested in moving the domain across to a new service as most had to be paid for the email service

How are you connected to the server with plusnet ? is it POP or IMAP ?

I use thunderbird now on my OSX Macbook and it works well, with various services including a domain service via IONOS for someone else whos website i manage - we have 4 emails setup and they all work fine with IMAP - limited to 2GB storage, but the email comes with the hosting which is NOT free
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Thanks, ETAF.

I own the domain and connect via POP.

All five of us have domain-based email addresses.
how many machines access the account ?
With POP if setup to delete the emails from the server when downloaded , then the first device will download all the emails 1st and then the emails will be missing
How is that set up
but they do show up in SENT ITEMS.
Any message rules setup

As you own the domain, you can transfer to another service - quite a few hosting services available, not sure if any are free now.

All five of us have domain-based email addresses.
is that different domains are just different email address for the same domain.
Do they all have same issue
We all have our own mailbox for the domain address.


[email protected]
[email protected]

Two devices access emails: smartphone and PC.

Don't think there are message rules set up. This disappearing of the emails is new and does not happen on the smartphone, only the PC.

Only I am having issues with disappearing emails.

No emails are being deleted from the server. In fact that is a bone of contention as I have to log into the PN server and delete them all when it's full. And their software is so slow and crashes so it can take me ages.

There has to be a better way

The thing that bothers me is that when I set up the domain and the associated email addresses, I was with Freenetname. Then they were taken over by Madasafish. Then Madasafish were taken over by Plusnet. Then Plusnet were bought by BT.

Does that complicate things at all?

Plusnet are hosting the domain-based addresses: will these be shut down if I leave PN?
Yes , they will be shut down if you leave PN, and if you want to continue to use, then the domain will need to be transfrered.
but if you are USING POP then they will stay on the PC.

But you may want to migrate them over to the new system, to do that, what i have down is to setup a gmail or outlook account to do that , and also have used as a bit of a backup (not 100%) , and then I copy all the emails from folders/inbox/sent items using thunderbird to a the new email address(s).
No emails are being deleted from the server. In fact that is a bone of contention as I have to log into the PN server and delete them all when it's full. And their software is so slow and crashes so it can take me ages.
So it may not be the smartphone and using IMAP or it may also be setup as POP and its NOT deleting the emails off the main server when received.

Only I am having issues with disappearing emails.
Do you access both email ?
you say ETC - so do you have a lot of email address

some robots (at least used to) harvest things like email address and web contacts to set up on email list for spam, so you may want to edit those address or use a madeup name

The thing that bothers me is that when I set up the domain and the associated email addresses, I was with Freenetname. Then they were taken over by Madasafish. Then Madasafish were taken over by Plusnet. Then Plusnet were bought by BT.
Yes that was what happened to a few domains i setup on freenetname
was it one of the free domains which moved to Plusnet (part of BT) via other services (freenetnames, then to madasafish ) I setup a lot of free domains and they all moved over to plusnet.
But also I setup the owners on thunderbird to access them with no issues , on windows and on OSX

I think what I would do is create email address on outlook or email
[email protected] or [email protected]
Setup the new emails as IMAP or incase of outlook exchange/ AND then using thunderbird Copy all the emails from the PC over to the new email - providing its less than the allowed storage on the free emails
then you at least have a good copy and then you can think about moving
BUT as i said, I dont know of any free email services any longer

When we did have a problem with Plusnet, I know they are very difficult to deal with and have little interest in sorting these sort of issues out, often deny there is an issue and then a few days later it all resolves itself, seen that a few years ago when people who had been migrated had issues with getting emails.
But as i say with the sad death, noone i support or help is on this setup anylonger.

But I do use thunderbird with a couple of IONOS Domains for a few people and it works well, when there has been an issue its sorted quickly - BUT . they pay a monthly fee
Some run all your email accounts through Gmail (forward them)
Purley for the spam filtering and easy viewing.
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