Public liability insurance for part time

17 Apr 2015
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United Kingdom
I have been doing bits and pieces on the side mainly for family and friends for years, I plan to ramp it up in future hopefully, one thing which has always nagged me is got no public liability insurance as it only takes one pipe fitting to blow if I did a tap for someone etc etc, basically wondered if anyone's ever been in a similar position and taken out public liability insurance for part time work, I can't see how it would be a problem as I'd pay full whack as if it was my main job, just worried there may be issues with them paying out IE. they might quibble as its not my full tine job.
Anyway I'll ring some insurers but just wondered if anyone has ever been in the same boat, moving into self employed slowly from another occupation.
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I'm not a trade but did look into this when I was considering becoming a part time music teacher. The cost seems to be quite minimal unless you are raking in loads of money so I think it would be far better to have some. Easiest thing would be to get some quotes online (think I used one of the comparison sites) then give the decent quotes a call and ask about the part time thing.
You would obtain Public Liability Insurance in exactly the same way and it is unaffected by you being part time. The only down side is that you will more than likely be paying the same price as a full time individual. The insurer would expect you to be competant and capable of performing the trade you are intending on doing along with following any rules and legislations associated with your trade... the same as a full time person.
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23vc, good evening.

Scenario, much as your O/Post,

You change a simple coupling in a block of flats, four stories high, your repair was on the top flat, for some reason, a faulty coupling or whatever, the coupling fails, the house owner has gone of on Holiday for three weeks, the mains water ends up running for several days, the resultant damage affects all of the flats below? costs to repair shall I say "Grow" massively.

In such a scenario you will, do NEED PL [Public Liability] Insurance. Not an option???. your are in a loft?? and slip and put your foot though the plasterboard ceiling, you are Liable, you have to pay up, with the correct PL the PL Insurance will pay.

As a further precaution, suggest you look at "PI Insurance" [Professional Indemnity Insurance] this will give you protection, to some extent against a claim where you have made a, what is called, "Design Decision" and your call has in any way failed, see above, the block of flats??? Serious money implications, and then some ! ! !

Have a word with a couple, not just one, Broker, these guys can tailor make the PI + PL Insurances to exactly fit your specific needs.

OK some will say that PI Insurance is not needed, because all you are doing is changing one specific part for another identical part does not mean that a smart Solicitor and a shall we call them a disgruntled client will not come banging on your door as in scenario in a block of flats???

Thanks for the reply, so you're saying PL may not cover a pipe fitting failure or whatever it may be, that's news to me as I'd just assumed that's what it's for. guess I need to look at the policies in more detail, like you say never thought I'd need PI no matter what happened with nails through pipes, blown fittings etc.
BTW not that it's ever happened to me in 15 years :D
Public liability Insurance is what it says on the tin, to cover you if you damage or injure anyone or property with tools or other instruments whilst carrying out works,

Professional Indemnity Insurance covers works that go wrong for certain reasons. i.e flooding several flats
PL is about £50-100, PI insurance depends largely on the cover and the risk.

The key thing you get is legal protection to defend you from a claim from another insured party.
PL is about £50-100, PI insurance depends largely on the cover and the risk.

The key thing you get is legal protection to defend you from a claim from another insured party.

The best way is & always has been to form a limited company.

I've always wondered how insurance works when it's the same insurer on both sides?
23vc, good evening again.

OK it is not an area of Insurance that I work in, so my information and knowledge is sparce, but?

I think there are specific tailor made "Tradesman Insurance" " Packages Insurance Policies???"

Now I think you can box this one clever??

Talk to a "Broker" face to face, where you might be able to get some really good, information, and then go on-line and get some good costs from an on-line provider.
The best way is & always has been to form a limited company.

I've always wondered how insurance works when it's the same insurer on both sides?

As for this aspect?? the insurer or Loss Adjuster is adjudged, to have a "High Professional Standard" and ethics to be "Professionally" Totally Impartial in such situations, most Insurers and Adjusters, have the two claims handled in different Offices.

But enough of this, lets not forget a few things? all Insurers and Loss Adjusters are responsible to, who else than there, --- Board, ---- And,--- there,--- SHARE HOLDERS ?

I leave any conjecture up to the reader ? ? ?

What about joining an organization of sorts?

Not sure about for this but I have been in organizations who's PLI covers their members also so for the cost of joining (sometime less than your own PLI) you get the PLI cover.

Worth checking out.
Thanks mate I'll have a look, but as this is a sideline at the mo (has been for years) not sure they'd want me to
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