Odd Question

13 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
The Odd Question came from the investigating police officer.

Angry Builder - I'm trying to complete a cladding job, subbing to a builder, the customer didn't order enough cladding, so I pulled off of the job. The problem that initially manifested was not knowing when the remaining cladding would arrive on site, no idea.

I informed the builder that when they had a delivery date I would arrange for the job to be booked back in, but the reality was my next availability was May.

What followed was a lot of threats on Whatsapp, so I rang builder and said nicely "what is your problem?" His response, When I tell you to do something you will do it, you will do as I say. I told him to f'off, the response, I am going to find you and smash your f'ing head in and then kill you.

The threats, and then this response I immediately recognised as intimidation and bullying tactics, knowing the builder knew where I lived, my wife works from home, I rang the police, I was at work, reported the threats and my concern for my wife, rang my wife told her to lock the doors.

Literally within 20 minutes the aggressive builder was on my job "I later found out how he found me" pointing his finger at me throwing more threats etc, knowing I had involved the police I didn't punch him, just used restraint, until we could remove him from the site.

The Police rang me last night and asked me "What would you like us to do"?

I felt like saying, go and smack his bottom he has been a very naughty boy.

Still no cladding has arrived, not that I care, no money owed our contract has been well and truly nullified.
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I said that surely the best person to answer this question was the person asking the question, the Police Officer, I am sure he has broken a few laws?

The outcome was that he would visit the offender and tell him to "Wind his neck in" but other than this they are not pursuing the matter and the case would be closed.

As far as the builder knowing where I live is concerned, he advised that I should keep the doors and windows closed and locked when we are in the house and should he show up I am to call 999, but this would be an entirely new case separate from the current one.
As far as the builder knowing where I live is concerned, he advised that I should keep the doors and windows closed and locked when we are in the house and should he show up I am to call 999, but this would be an entirely new case separate from the current one.

Make a note of the date and call reference number, so they can find the original call easily, should there be more problems. My experience suggests that once the police have visited, most will think twice before causing further trouble.
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Interesting story, you often hear of psycho builders giving it large to customers, but not subbies. Can you spread the word that this builder is not to be trusted, losing him work will bring it home more than a slap on the wrist from a copper. That said there two sides to every story but what is unusual about a trade walking off the job in these circumstances.

Unfortunately, I had already witnessed this builder in action with another subby the week before, where the builder didn't agree with the amount being charged so he became very aggressive. I did quietly wonder why this subby didn't lamp him.

I don't need to go out of my way to wreck their reputation, they have already managed this on their current job, they were sacked by the client on Tuesday, to many mistakes, argumentative, the list goes on.

I have been offered the remaining contract.

As a Carpenter I have to do an outstanding job on every job, or atleast try, it's called Pride. Equally you are only as good as your last job. This particular client runs a local cycling club with about 200 members, so there is potentially 200 people that will hear if you do a bad job, I would rather lose money than my reputation.

The builders however are in it for the money not the quality.