

17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
Today, a customer asked if we delivered to Guernsey, and I had to check. Then I thought, what is Guernsey?

It is not in the UK, and not a member of the EU.
But it can trade freely with the EU, so long as follows their trade rules.
And does not have free movement of people.

Now, I still think remain is the best option for us, but why hasn't anybody suggested that we be more like Guernsey, rather than Norway, Switzerland etc? Ir is this effectively what people mean by BRINO - Brexit in name only?

  • Guernsey is not part of the European Union. Guernsey neither contributes to, nor directly receives anything from, the funds of the European Union. However, there is a formal relationship between the Channel Islands and the EU which is governed by Protocol 3 to the UK's Act of Accession to the European Economic Community in 1972 ("Protocol 3").
  • Under Protocol 3, Guernsey is part of the EU Customs Union and is able to trade in goods and agricultural products as if it were part of the EU. This means that trade is unrestricted by tariffs, quotas or other barriers (except VAT). Any traded products must meet the relevant standards and requirements of the EU.
  • This means that Guernsey is "within" the EU for most of the purposes of the free movement of goods but outside the EU for other purposes, in particular non-customs related fiscal matters and the free movement of persons and services. Guernsey is not eligible for assistance from the EU's structural funds or under the support measures for agricultural markets.
  • Protocol 3 also requires the Channel Islands to treat all natural and legal persons of the EU in the same way, which means that the Channel Islands cannot treat someone from the UK, for example, differently from someone from any other EU Member State.
  • Guernsey is not bound by other aspects of EU free movement rules and is able to maintain restrictions on the right to reside and work, in accordance with insular law, provided this is done in a non-discriminatory way.
  • Outside of the formal Protocol 3 relationship, the Bailiwick is treated as a jurisdiction outside of the EU and one that is not a European Economic Area (EEA) country. This means it is treated as a 'third country'.
  • As a third country, and due to Guernsey's location and close trading relationships with both the UK and other EU Member States, Guernsey voluntarily implements appropriate EU legislation and applies relevant international standards. Guernsey is not, for example, part of the single market in financial services and so has negotiated limited market access as a third country on a case-by-case basis by being assessed as applying equivalent standards to those in the EU.
  • By virtue of Guernsey's geographical location, it has also applied the relevant EU aviation and maritime measures to secure and underpin our transport links.
  • The Channel Islands Brussels Office promotes the interests of the Channel Islands in Europe, to represent the governments and public authorities of the Channel Islands to the EU institutions and to advise Guernsey and Jersey on EU policy issues."
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Well... you have exposed a slight myth in the EU, that there are only a few options available to the UK, sadly this is demonstrably nonsense, however...... The EU is not overly happy about it's "outliers" in so much Switzerland gets a fair bit of grief from the EU, Guernsey is probably too small to be of much significance, the UK however is a headache.

Frankly the whole thing is a somewhat flimsy load of *******s.
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