Game recording device, recommendations please!

17 Apr 2007
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United Kingdom
I've been tasked to find suitable hardware for my sister's son but not being a gamer myself, its not really my area of expertise.

No bother building/repairing a PC but never really bothered with games.

The message I got was

"Wants a game recording device compatible with his PC (and with his xbox one if poss) and compatible with web cam and microphone for recording his game play, with audio and uploading to his you tube account channel."

Can anyone advise on this please?
- the budget is around £100.
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Thanks for posting Mike.

Having never touched an XBox, can an NVidia card plug into one?
As far as I am aware you can connect the Xbox to the PC to get it to record it.
Windows 10 also has a built in game recorder I believe.
I think this is one of the situtations where you may be better off doing a quick google and having a look at the results (there are 183,000 results for "recording xbox using shadowplay") as you know exactly what hardware/software/requirements you have, your original post lacks the information required to give a definitive answer.
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