Bathroom stage 1 : the floor!

4 Dec 2003
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United Kingdom
Hi there. I am about to start the refurb of my bathroom and could do with some advice. We have some travertine tiles to put down for flooring and I am planning to put them on 18mm wbp ply. The floorboards are to be removed first and extra noggins installed every foot or so to provide extra support. Does that sound OK so far?

Then the laying of the travertine tiles, using flexible adhesive, grouting with flexible grout. Is is better to clean and seal the tiles before grouting or the other way around?

Last question, do I tile the whole floor and then install the wc and sink standing on the tiles, or fix wc & sink directly to the ply and then cut and lay the tiles around the china?

OK, that's it for now. Many thanks, hopefully I'm going along the right lines!

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you substrate sounds good make sure you screw the ply down ...

make sure you over order by 10% an get the same batch nos as they wont match that colour ,other batchs nos me

the tiles need specialist cutting equipment, such as an angle grinder or a wet saw , the Tommy walsh cutter is a good diy one ..

regarding clean and sealing them , depends which type you get , the shop will tell you ,as a rule I do it after they are laid ,

use a flex adhesive an grout , I like an use Bal products ...never get the premix tub stuff its shocking

I would say tile under the basin pedestal an toilet bowl ,if you can , saves on fiddly cuts

btw dry lay your tiles on your set up floor plan to see what you like or more importantly what the Wife prefers as once they are stuck down its FINAL
hope this helps :)
Thanks Moz

you substrate sounds good make sure you screw the ply down ...
This is one bit I'm nervous about - the 18mm ply is to just replace the floorboards and be screwed down onto the joists. I'll install extra noggins about every foot or so, think that'd be OK? I was also thinking I might give it a layer of preservative before tiling - what do you think?
make sure you over order by 10% an get the same batch nos as they wont match that colour ,other batchs nos me
Hmm...we've had the tiles sitting around for a while so i hope I've ordered enough.
regarding clean and sealing them , depends which type you get , the shop will tell you ,as a rule I do it after they are laid ,
It's just that the last time I laid floor tiles they were slate and the adhesive got everywhere and was a bugger to get off the tiles before I sealed them. How is it best to avoid that happening again? Maybe I was just using too much adhesive?

I would say tile under the basin pedestal an toilet bowl ,if you can , saves on fiddly cuts
So there's no chance that the tiles will crack then with the weight on them? Maybe a stupid question!
Thanks a lot

the substrate is important but if the joists are dry an ok ,no worries
if the joists are a bit rotten then coat them in wood preserve
dont go overboard with the noggins ...every 2ft will be fine ...

have a check at your area an make sure you have enough tiles...Dont start an expect to match colour/shade ..if you run out ...:(

to do a Boss job ...

plan an prep ..
once you have tiles , adhesive , tile cutter an tile float ,spirit levels spacers, sponges buckets , cotton rags ... an patience,lol

after dividing the area in four

you mark a batten with tile spacer ,tile spacer in marker pen
then lay it to the 4 quarters marked

you then decide where your full tiles go an this stops you having slivers of tiles at edgies

you know have the marked area with tile start points on non washable marker on ply , lay dry ... half or quarter of room ,

Dont try to rush it all
if you only wet lay a quarter of the room,

an then keep the surfaces nice an clean ,

let to dry
then you got a base to work on for the next quarter ...
an so on ... ,
the trick with the sponges are one bucket is the dirty bucket/sponge

the other the clean water buff one ..

take your time , you will be looking at them tiles for years get it right an they will be a pleasure to walk on ...

if tiles can stand you jumping about on .. a bowl an basin is nothing ...

hope this helps :)
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hope this helps
Too right it does! Many, many thanks.
he trick with the sponges are one bucket is the dirty bucket/sponge

the other the clean water buff one ..
Can you expand on that a little bit, what exactly is the technique? Also, is it OK then to use water liberally on the tiles to clean off adhesive etc and know that they won't then suffer from water staining/marks?

Thanks again

I come here often .. but at the mo Im ready for a good drink .. so last post to your ..sensible like ok :) :)

the art of the sponge ,
is dirty sponge= d ,
an c... clean sponge ....
lay say 6 tiles dirty paw marks on them ,
leave em ,
then do 6 next ,
then squeeze D sponge an clean lumps an bumps off diagonal , then let d sponge soak ,

in very clean water , clean with squeezed c sponge ..
then repeat all tiles
then buff with cotton cloths , will still have that sheen ...

but next day you can buff off ... with cotton rags

tilers use a bucket called a Wash boy that is wonderful , it cleans an drys the sponge without wet hands ,
if you get trouble with paws ...
those plastic/rubber disposable gloves are cool for sponge work ..

hope this helps for to nite :)

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