Global warming new thread

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Why can't be have new oil and gas fields developed, legislation put in place to ensure that OUR prices remain low, that way we can actually manufacture decent clean tech here?

I have never really understood the economics of oil and gas. How would this work? If our oil and gas is being sold at a low price on the home market, doesn't that mean we are giving up the profit that could be made by selling it on the world market?
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Is energy really that much cheaper in other countries?

Employing people is.

Salaries are lower.

Worker benefits are lower.

Leave entitlements are lower.

Maternity entitlement is lower.

Production has been offshored for decades, to countries where the human element is much, much less costly.
ACC has been a thing since before I was born.

The world could have been oil-free years ago but, as with most things, vested interests have kicked the can down the road.
Do you mean for energy/power or everything?
Artificially increasing wages with legislation and targets until the businesses just shut down...
Please could you provide some examples of legislation and targets which make businesses shut down

Well we have Labour and the unions to thank for that!
Did you vote for brexit because you believed EU workers were lowering wages for British workers

yet here you are moaning about Unions helping to give workers decent wages and conditions

Ironically the thing that's pushing people into poverty now is energy costs (both directly and indirectly) and yet several people here are completely against allowing us to sort that problem out by using our own resources!
increasing North sea drilling licenses and or allowing fracking wont make any difference to UK energy prices

the reason UK energy is so high is because the energy suppliers, the UK gas and electricity network network and the energy producers are all private businesses

by the way energy is only one issue that is pushing people into poverty.....cost of housing, stagnant wages and insecure working contracts are contributory factors

the causes of poverty are 40+ years of neo liberal privatisation policies....which you vote for.

but hey you keep blaming labour just like the Daily Mail tells you to
Us, as a nation, particularly those who favour legislation which further increases costs in the UK
which particular legislation do you not like?

workers rights?
limiting emissions?
health and safety?
maternity leave?
employment rights?
restricting sewage in rivers?
How can the UK develop and manufacture new, green tech if our oil and gas is so outrageously overpriced due to import costs and foreign suppliers using it hold us to ransom?!

Why can't be have new oil and gas fields developed, legislation put in place to ensure that OUR prices remain low, that way we can actually manufacture decent clean tech here?

At the moment our extortionate energy prices mean we simply can't produce anything, so it's all going to China to produce on coal fueled power stations! And then they'll be able to hold us to ransom as well!

Surely new British oil and gas is by far the cleanest option?!
We're not going to nationalise all the oil producers in British waters and build the re refineries needed to turn the crude oil into useful versions.
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