Recent content by Yorkie13

  1. Y

    Advice please: Im nervous about hanging TV from wall.

    Could anyone please give me some advice on the safest way to fix a wall mounted TV stand to the wall, although an external wall it seems quite hollow. The TV is a portable but is still quite heavy. Im papping myself. Cheers
  2. Y

    **Window frames worth saving?

    Thankyou for your advice very helpful.
  3. Y

    **Window frames worth saving?

    Could anyone give me any advice on painting my outside window frames? Some are in quite a bad state paint cracking and wood quite soft in places. Are they worth trying to save? If so have I got the correct order? Sand them down and use filler (which filler is best?) Treat them (what...
  4. Y

    Second hand van

    I'm about to become self employed and need a small van for about £600 (not a lot I know) any idea's on places I can buy or web sites to look at?I've being told auctions might be the best bet. I just need an idea of what I can get for the money. cheers
  5. Y

    Hot water only running cool, when Hw only rads come on.

    Sorry, I can't remember. Mine too was in a very tight space. Why do people fit them there? I'd check for you but it's actually my sister's and she lives 50 miles away. Sorry mate.
  6. Y

    Hot water only running cool, when Hw only rads come on.

    Found problem. The valve was sticking when turning to hot water.
  7. Y

    Radiator full of air

    It's a open vented system.
  8. Y

    Radiator full of air

    The radiator in my daughters bedroom is alway cool or at best slightly warm. When I bleed it loads of air comes out. What causes this? I thought maybe sludge or air lock. The is micro bore, which I know can be cause problems. Is there any solutions that may cure the problem? Cheers
  9. Y

    Hot water only running cool, when Hw only rads come on.

    Cheers Chris, I'll give it a try when I go round tonight, I'll let you know.
  10. Y

    Hot water only running cool, when Hw only rads come on.

    About 2 weeks ago my sister's hot water started running cold, well about room temp. When she turns on hot water at control, radiators come on?? She has a vented indirect system. I called round last night sure it would be the 3 way mid position valve or motor. (siemens MA-V322C) I...