Recent content by twall

  1. twall

    Replacing broken Entry Phone

    sparkymarka: Personally I would go for a universal handset as they have separate mic and speaker adjusters inside the handset ….i have used the Comelit one before … see below anything else is a trial and error Youre a hero, thanks for your help, very much appreciated
  2. twall

    Replacing broken Entry Phone

    sparkymarka: At a guess, it’s an Urmet 730/1030/1130 handset …. Yes, it looks like that might be the one. Do you know if there is an affordable modern unit can i easily replace it with? (Small wires to same numbered connectors preferably) Appreciate the link you sent, but £85 and a horrible...
  3. twall

    Replacing broken Entry Phone

    The buzzer sounds, but extremely faintly. The spring on the button is gone too, hense wanting to replace it.
  4. twall

    Replacing broken Entry Phone

    The buzzer in my entry phone is broken. Thought I could just buy one off Amazon, but I was wrong. The old phone us anciist, no labels or branding. Does anybody have a clue as to what make / model I would need to replace this with? Any help would be greatly appreciated.