Recent content by smithman

  1. S

    putting a GFI on a switch

    Not sure about the USA at this time but in Canada I believe that now, ALL new installations of outside and bathroom plugs MUST be GFI. It sure beats getting a shock off an electrical appliance that has something wrong inside.
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    putting a GFI on a switch

    Why beat around the bush..We all have more to do than play games.
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    putting a GFI on a switch

    I'm not a licensed electrician. I'm a DIY electrician with about three years of formal training. I've seen licensed people get zapped and even two electrocute themselves. I feel that if someone knows what they are doing, go for it. Don't spend the money for something that you can do. What...
  4. S

    putting a GFI on a switch

    Your GFI plug protects whatever is plugged into the plug . NOT theSUPPLY. Most GFIplugs I've seen here in North America are powered from the light switch in your bathroom. You turn the light off and the plug is dead anyway. What you are describing sounds like you are trying to get around your...
  5. S

    Moving to Canada

    Your PC should have a switch on the back for voltage setting, the frequency won't make any difference as everything inside works on DC (after the rectifier) The problem is your monitor, check your manual. They are all different . If you are moving to Canada permanately ---save your guitar and...
  6. S

    Replace a 2-way on/off switch with a 1-way dimmer

    It sounds to me like you are takinga class and the teacher has given you a problem to solve. And you are using us to do your homework. It is simple, tell your teacher "IT WILL NOT WORK" The wiring must be changed also.
  7. S

    Install double switch

    Since you are a complete novice at wiring-- take a course at your local college or call an electrician before you burn your house down
  8. S

    Plumbing in dishwasher

    Sorry about that. Been thinking about it all day today myself. Here in North America they are plumbed into the HOT water supply. That is according to the instruction manuals of the dishwashers that I have installed.
  9. S

    greasy marks on washing

    check the other post about mold. It's possible that that is your only problem and not the seals. If problem persists get the seals checked. Being stored after being used can cause the seals to dry out and possibly crack. but see if the soda and the vinegar work first. Always go with the...
  10. S

    DI Why?

    I had a Brother-in Law who said he could fix anything. As long as he had his checkbook.
  11. S

    dishwasher kenmore

    If you look closely at this white flakey stuff, you will probably find that it is like calcium. I don't know where you are in Canada, but I'll bet that you have to use more shampoo than you feel that you you should need to. You've got really hard water and not only is it causing problems in your...
  12. S

    Drowned gas hob - ignition blown?

    WD40 also wonderful for waterproofing inside distributor cap in car engine. I found it kept points type ignitions running tiptop during real damp weather.
  13. S

    Bubbles in Dishwasher

    Allow dishwasher to fill, then change setting so that it drains. Do this a few times. Other than that, LOTS and LOTS of REALLY greasy dishes and pans.
  14. S

    Washing machine scum/mould

    You are right, It is mold. You had your machine stored in a cool environment. If the soda doesn't work try a cycle using vinegar (liberally). the vinegar being a mild acid should kill the mold and help in it's removal.
  15. S

    greasy marks on washing

    the seals on the top of the aggitate/spin shaft are leaking. thus the grease from the enclosed bearings is leaking into the machine causing your black greasy marks. Check with a shop as to the cost of repairs then cross this with the cost of a new machine. Good luck!