Recent content by Astronaut_elvis

  1. A

    What are these crumbly black blocks?

    Can anyone tell me what these blocks are called/made from? They're in my 1950's ex council house, mainly internal walls but have seen them in the inner leaf of the cavity wall too. They're only 60-70mm thick, look aerated judging by the hole-y inside appearance and really difficult to get a...
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    Am I being fussy about patio stones staining

    Thanks for the response, glad it's not just me being picking then. Any idea how it can be fixed? If 3 acid washes haven't worked
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    Am I being fussy about patio stones staining

    We've just had a new sandstone pathway installed up the side of the house and meeting the existing patio along with some patching around some removed brick planter and replacement of metal drain covers. I was aware we would never be able to match the existing stones exactly and it wouldn't be...
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    What fixings on these hollow bricks?

    Can’t see the joints in the bedroom where we’re fixing unfortunately unless we take all the plaster off. If we were going to take all the old plaster off then would have gone for a glued system instead of fixings.
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    What fixings on these hollow bricks?

    We've undertaken a DIY project to soundproof an upstairs bedroom party wall shared with our noisy neighbours. There's a window on the perpendicular wall so there's only approx 70mm before the party wall would hit the windowsill which limited options. We decided on resilience bars, sbx boards...
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    8x6 shed base and foundation

    Thanks everyone for your help, looks like slabs are the way to go. Good shout @oldbutnotdead on checking freebee ads, I've messaged someone today and will keep an eye out and can hopefully pick up a bargain before my shed arrives
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    8x6 shed base and foundation

    Actually have now found the 50mm pavers at Jewson ( but the guy laughed when I told him I wanted to lay directly on soil. Adding in the cost of sand/cement and some additional bearers then it’s over £220...
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    8x6 shed base and foundation

    How thick were your patio stones? I thought the ready mixed stuff would be easier for me but sounds similar to what I was planning. Planning on guttering with another water butt for these dry summers we’re having
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    8x6 shed base and foundation

    It’s going to be garden tools, bikes and some boxes so nothing major. Do they need to be 50mm thick patio stones if there’s no sand/cement being used? Struggling to find ones that thick but lots of 38mm
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    8x6 shed base and foundation

    Have ordered an 8x6' wooden shed and need to sort a base and/or foundation The ground it's going on is pretty soft soil and I'm not sure whether to build a base from 4x4s and some metal sleeper stakes or try and lay some paving slabs. This...
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    Need help with massive error drilling hole for soil pipe

    I drilled the second hole yesterday, thanks to @SpecialK and @MynameisBod for the template idea, used a scrap of 18mm ply and it worked a treat. The hole unfortunately not as neat as the first due to having to drill from the inside out but nothing a collar won't hide. Also cut up a couple of new...
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    Need help with massive error drilling hole for soil pipe

    I like the idea of knocking a bit off the inside blocks (outer leaf is brick) and using a flexible pipe but am not sure I understand how they work tbh.. if other soil pipes have to be a very specific drop then how is that going to be ok
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    Need help with massive error drilling hole for soil pipe

    @Hugh Jaleak unfortunately I think you're right, anything other than re-doing the hole will feel like a bodge job... I guess I was hoping for some miracle cure that doesn't exist!
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    Need help with massive error drilling hole for soil pipe

    So I've made a bit of a f**k up core drilling the hole for the new downstairs loo soil pipe... it's around 60mm too low and doesn't meet up with the bracket for the new wall hung frame. Really annoyed with myself, totally my own fault for rushing. Anyway, I figure I have 3 options to try and...