Recent content by Aragorn84

  1. A

    Garage Floor Levelling

    Yeah that was my worry, and 30mm at the high end near the door means maybe 80mm or more at the lower side, which given the roof pitch will make a real dent on the headroom right where its needed the most. The rear wall of the garage is ~5 feet high, and its a monopitch roof at around 15-20...
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    Garage Floor Levelling

    My garage floor is extremely uneven. The surface is rough and broken up in places, and also the floor slopes down maybe 50mm or so over the length of the garage. I'd quite like to fix it, and i've heard of self levelling compounds etc, but i've no idea if these are suitable for such an...
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    Soil pipe vent query

    The main stacks are vented at the other side of the house, 110mm goes all the way up thru the roof for those. This vent line just seems to be for the branch to the downstairs loo. Cheers
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    Soil pipe vent query

    We have a cellar/utility space at the side of the house, which contains some plumbing/electrics and the boiler. In this space is a 40mm waste pipe, which picks up the boiler condensate and the downstairs toilet sink wastes, and feeds them down into a 110mm soil pipe, which picks up the...
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    Worcester 37CDi Primary Hex Failure?

    Already booked WB fixed price repair this evening and the boiler is indeed turned off! As stated in my first paragraph, thats not why i created the thread! I just dont want a repeat of last time, and frankly i trust these guys no further than i could throw them. The pump debacle was certainly...
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    Worcester 37CDi Primary Hex Failure?

    Hi Guys. I realise asking boiler questions on here tends to illicit a typical response of "call a guy", but hopefully we can have a sensible discussion with regards to whats going on here. My last encounter with WB engineers was not pleasurable, and as we'll get to later, may even be part of...
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    Sockets used for out door equipment who is responsible for safety?

    AFAIK they are, they just need to be interlocked?
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    Gas hob ignition & electric oven on the same switch

    More volts doesnt generally reduce the current on a resistive heater. It will not magically stay at 2.99kw if its rated at 230v and you feed it 240v, it will simply draw more power.
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    Another bulb holder wiring dillemma !

    because the supply loops around each light fitting in turn, and you've disconnected the circuit in the middle.
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    Outdoor Socket Advice

    There seems to be panic around the fact that theres a big DC battery... But something like a industrial motor drive inverter runs AC into a big DC Bus running 600+volts, and no-ones jumping about with those incase some of the DC sneaks out into the mains?
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    Outdoor Socket Advice

    The pod point your quoting from is a wall mounted charger designed for permanent installation. They added the DC stuff when the 18th edition came out AFAIK, and clearly yes, these are designed to be installed by a professional electrician who can (should) check these things and ensure its all...
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    Outdoor Socket Advice

    Youtube video time? :P
  13. A

    Outdoor Socket Advice

    There should not be a DC current unless there is a fault, and if there is a fault, the charger itself should turn off. Thats the point of putting all the protection into the charge unit. But if you want to swap the RCD, then go for it, assuming its available and cheap enough.