ajohn's latest activity

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    ajohn replied to the thread Man made climate change.
    Why not take a very simple view. The fact that global temperatures are increasing can't be argued with. Green house gasses largely set...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Man made climate change.
    Typical misleading link. Title mentions the ice cap. Detail mentions ice in the arctic ocean and uses the term nearly ice free. F'all to...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Best TV Brand?.
    I have a Panasonic 4K OLED. ;) In some ways I should know better - Panasonic. Other items I have had. In the TV's case the periodic...
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    The changes to rail around where I live appears to be down to west midland rail paying for it. The ex Mayor pointed out it wont cost any...
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    ajohn replied to the thread War Machine.
    It's aimed at defending a particular city. Suspect you can guess which one.
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    ajohn replied to the thread Man made climate change.
    An argument used by the global warming swindle group - the shear size of the natural aspects related to our contribution. No mention of...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Man made climate change.
    There are indications that solar storms / the degree of activity of the sun can have an effect on the weather. Seems someone got...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Angela Rayner.
    Well there may be an official view on the subject shortly. ;) If cleared one flock of birds will probably say fixed. If not cleared that...
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    ajohn replied to the thread War Machine.
    They have a recruitment problem also follow the link in this to see one of the problems that make it even more difficult to handle...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Man made climate change.
    Free fix to it all? There have been estimates. Total cost £7.5b, £2.5b via the government. This well before inflation aspects kicked in...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Zion and the Art of Armageddon.
    If the number of evac's reported from Rafar are correct the plan is working and the US will be happy. Aid more tricky. Video shows that...
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    ajohn replied to the thread War Machine.
    There is mixed reporting on Russia's current action. One mentions the relative ease their troops crossed the boarder in the NE. Numbers...
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    There is a gent who had the idea of setting a place up to train what he referred to ask ark angels. Pretty clear about his aims...
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    ajohn replied to the thread More racism?.
    On topic. Wars generally cause protests. Fact of life; Some will support and some will be against. Another factor. History derived from...
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    ajohn replied to the thread Zion and the Art of Armageddon.
    I deliberately omitted that Israel occupied the areas with the camps in 1967 and then proceeded with yet more land grabs. They really...